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Chapter 11 The Age of Imperialism Mrs. Tucker World History Victor Valley High School.

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1 Chapter 11 The Age of Imperialism Mrs. Tucker World History Victor Valley High School

2 Define the terms using the Frayer Method Your DefinitionDraw a picture to recognize the term. TERM ExampleNon-Example

3 Seizure of a country or Territory by a stronger Country IMPERIALISM India/England/ AfricaGermany

4 Define the Terms The Belief that one race Is superior to others RACISM BigotryTolerance

5 Social Darwinism Survival of the fittest who enjoyed wealth, success and were Considered superior Natural SelectionHelping all, including the weak

6 BERLIN CONFERENCE 14 European Nations that met in 1984-1885 to decide how to claim land in Africa. ImperialismIndependent and Home Rule

7 SHAKA A Southern African Zulu chief who created a large centralized state Warrior KingWeak Ruler

8 BOER Dutch farmers who Gradually took over Africans’ land to establish large farms AfrikanersAfricaners

9 Paternalism European policy of governing people in a fatherly way but without giving them any rights direct control of governingSelf Rule

10 ASSIMILATION French policy that the Local people would prefer and adapt French culture; Somaliland or VietnamSelf Rule

11 MENELIK II Emperor of Ethiopia in 1889 who played British, Italians, and French against each other Strong EmperorWeak Ruler

12 GEOPOLITICS An interest in or taking of land for its strategic location or products. Ottoman Control ofNo interest in Mediterranean Seaobtaining other lands

13 SEPOY MUTINY Rebellion by Sepoys (Indian Soldiers) over insensitivity to Customs which resulted in British Rule; Insensitivity to CultureTolerance

14 RAJ British rule of India during the reign of Queen Victoria Direct Control of IndiaSelf Rule

15 Look at the picture on page 338 What advantages and disadvantages might colonizers bring? What does the photograph suggest about colonization? Assignment Turn to page 344; answer questions 6-8; Be prepared to share your answer outloud in class.

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