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New Imperialism.

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1 New Imperialism

2 Old vs. New Old Imperialism 15th and 16th centuries
Exploration of uncharted lands in search of gold & other treasures New land to expand kingdoms Marked by slavery, war, disease, etc.

3 Old vs. New New Imperialism Late 19th century
Search for natural resources not available at home Competition for new lands Death, disease of indigenous populations European migration (except France, which gained) Industrialization led to the search for resources and for new markets (capitalism is growing during this time)

4 Interpretations and Justifications of Imperialism
Economic Natural resources, new markets, opportunity Cultural/Religious/Social Cultural and religious superiority Political The land grab/”spheres of influence” Competition within Europe Competition with the United States

5 Areas of Activity Africa (1870 – 1910)
England: Egypt; Anglo-Egyptian Sudan; South Africa; Nigeria; Kenya    France: West Africa; Morocco; Tunisia; Algeria            Belgium: the Congo  Germany: Cameroons; Southwest Africa; German East Africa  Portugal, Spain, Italy

6 Areas of Activity Middle East: Ottomans lose most of North Africa
Iran: England, Russia divide into spheres of influence in 1907 Afghanistan: placed under British sphere of influence, late 19th century                         India: 1857: Sepoy Revolt a British victory India becomes a royal colony                     Southeast Asia: Vietnam, Cambodia taken by France; Burma, Singapore by Britain                     China: Britain

7 Imperialism in the Far East
China resisted westernization – strict laws governing travel and trade. Europeans were restricted to the City of Canton British wanted to increase trade with China British grew opium in India, smuggled it into China This was lucrative for both the British gov’t and for the smugglers, both wanted greater access to other provinces 1839, the Chinese try to stop the opium trade Brits refuse to sign an agreement to cease, continue smuggling. Opium Wars (1839 – 1842) begin Great Britain opens up trade in China by force

8 Results of the Opium Wars
Chinese ports open to British trade British goods have favored states in China British gain control of Hong Kong

9 Imperialism in Africa Prior to 1880, European countries controlled less than 10% of African territories By 1914, European countries controlled more than 90% of Africa Portuguese first established trade in African in the 15th century Slave trade grew between 16th and 19th century

10 Imperialism in Africa Great African Hunt (1870’s – Early 1900’s)
Competition for territory among European nations Trading opportunities and missionaries Belgian Congo Personal property belonging to King Leopold II Abuses of laborers led to call for reform Territory turned over to the Belgian government in 1908

11 Imperialism in Africa French Possessions German Possessions
Algeria – captured by Charles X Wanted to re-establish power of the Bourbons Gained Morocco through diplomacy Accepted the British claim to Egypt German Possessions Began to colonize after unification in 1871 Wanted claims to territory in East Africa in order to separate British colonies Acquired colonies to improve diplomatic positioning

12 Imperialism in Africa British Possessions
French gained rights to build Suez canal in 1869 British needed canal for transportation to India Purchased a major interest in the canal in 1875 Establishes control of Egypt in 1880’s, advances to Sudan

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