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Directional Taping Lab Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding & knowledge of anatomical landmarks, directions, regions, & planes while.

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2 Directional Taping Lab

3 Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding & knowledge of anatomical landmarks, directions, regions, & planes while participating in several timed 3 minute competitions.

4 Supplies: Scotch tape, notebook paper, pen, powerpoint of terms, prizes.

5 Directions: 1. Students will pair up & be given a list of anatomical landmarks, regions, & directions illustrated on a powerpoint. Each competition will last 3 minutes. 2. Students will copy each term onto a piece of paper & attach a piece of scotch tape. 3. Student A will attach the paper labels to the proper location on student B. Whoever has the most terms accurately labeled in 3 minutes wins that round. 4. Then Student B will attach the paper labels to the proper location on Student A & so on until the end of class.

6 Round 1 Superior (cephalad or cranial) part of the head.: Medial aspect of the right ankle: Superficial (external) aspect of the left forearm: Horizontal (transverse) plane at the Umbilical Region: Distal portion of the left big digit of foot. Brachial aspect of the right arm. Mid-Sagittal Plane @ the Thoracic Region:

7 Senseless Alligator Killing

8 Round 2 The right Buccal region. Plantar aspect of the tarsals of the right ankle: The Left Upper Quadrant (LUQ) Right Lateral, Gluteal region Axillary portion of the left scapular region. Frontal Plane @ the Abdominal Region:

9 Relax you can try again

10 Round 3 The right Antecubital region. Popliteal aspect of the right leg: The Left Hypochondriac Abdominopelvic Region Right Proximal, Femoral region Left, lateral, Cervical area. Parasagittal Plane @ the right Sural Region: Left Orbital area.

11 Are we having fun yet?

12 Round 4 The Inferior aspecto of the Right Upper Quadrant. The left Olecranon : The left Iliac Abdominopelvic Region Right Posterior, Lumbar region Left, Anterior, Deltoid area. The Hypogastric Abdominopelvic Region Left Carpal area.

13 Not Finished Yet?

14 Round 5 To Invert the right Tarsal Region while Plantarflexing the foot. The lateral aspect of the Cephalic Region. To Abduct the left forearm. In the Thoracic Cavity the Pericardial Cavity. Left, Hypochondriac Region. The Midtransverse Plane. Left Proximal Joint of the 5 th Digit.

15 Bewildered Beyond Belief

16 Tie Braker-FinalRound The Inferior aspecto of the Right Crural region. The left Mandibular area: The left Clavicular Region Dosal aspect of the right Metatarsal area. Left, Posterior, Parietal area. The Epigastric Abdominopelvic Region Left Carpal area.

17 Do you feel hung out to dry?

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