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Chapter 5 Table of Contents beginning date: 11/4/13 1.11/4 Ch.5 definitions 2.11/4 5.1 pages 216-221 (group notes) 3.11/5-11/6 5.1 Flip Book 4.11/8-11/12.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 5 Table of Contents beginning date: 11/4/13 1.11/4 Ch.5 definitions 2.11/4 5.1 pages 216-221 (group notes) 3.11/5-11/6 5.1 Flip Book 4.11/8-11/12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 5 Table of Contents beginning date: 11/4/13 1.11/4 Ch.5 definitions 2.11/4 5.1 pages 216-221 (group notes) 3.11/5-11/6 5.1 Flip Book 4.11/8-11/12 notes pages 222-229

2 11/4 Chapter 5 Definitions (rural, urban, and industrialization are not in your glossary) 1.rural- relating to the countryside rather than town 2.urban- city/town 3.industrialization- development of industry on an extensive scale 4.mechanization- 5.reaper- 6.urbanization-

3 11/4 5.1 pages 216-221 This is where you will have notes form your group assignment. Group 1-Farming Group 2- Industry Group3- Telephone Group 4- Electricity Within each group, there were 3 jobs: summarize, compare/contrast, terms and people

4 11/5 5.1 Flip Book Attach flip book here after group presentations. 4 sections: farming, industry, telephone, electricity. Within each section, name inventions that were created and the inventors, and compare and contrast before and after the invention. (Ms. Peak has an example in her binder)

5 Farming 1.1834 McCormick- mechanical reaper 2. steam engines ran threshing machines (separate the grain from stalks) 3. binding machines tied up hay 4. 1862 Colvin- milking machine- farmers could milk more than one cow at a time 5. 1879 Laval- cream separator- separated cream in minutes instead of hours 6. wheeled plow- led by horses and farmer could sit Before: manual labor, difficult, tiring, walking plow, farmers provided mainly for families and neighbors After: machines did work, machines were faster, farm more land, farms increased in size, farmers could sell crops (cash crops)

6 Industry 1. Montgomery Ward- 1872- mail order catalog 2. Sears Roebuck- 1893- bigger mail order business Before: rural areas far from cities; clothes, soap, furniture, etc. was made by hand After: anyone could order

7 Telephone Alexander Graham Bell 1876- controlled telephones because of his patent Bell’s patent expired in 1893 and more phone companies Before: letters, telegrams, go visit After: phones lines in rural areas, call doctors and firefighters, families who lived apart could talk, factory owners could talk to suppliers in different cities/ states

8 Electricity 1. Electric Power Station- San Francisco, 1879 2. hydroelectric power plant- Wisconsin, 1882 (use running water to make electricity) 3. 1936- Rural Electrification Act- the government could lend money to states to create or improve electric service to rural areas. Before: wind power, water power, wash clothes by hand, chores took many hours of heavy labor After: electric appliances helped farmers and families with daily chores, electric iron, stove, vacuum, washing machine, water pumps, feed grinder, work was faster and easier

9 Quick Quiz 5.1 (pages 216-221) - Define: mechanization, manual labor, Cyrus McCormick, Rural Electrification Act -How did mechanization help farmers? -How did the growth of industry help people in rural areas? -Why did big cities have services such as phone and electricity before rural areas? -What happened after Bell’s patent expired? -Compare and contrast housework before and after electricity. -Farmers in Ahwahnee Valley, California were the first to ____. -Benefits of hydroelectric power stations and electric power stations.

10 11/8-11/12 Notes pages 222-229 1.p. 223 What factor determined which cities grew fastest during the late 1800s? - access to good transportation - access to trains and water - major railroad lines

11 pages 222-229 notes, con’t 2. p. 224 Urbanization *Between 1890 and 1910, U.S. population grew. - immigration, urbanization caused growth - problem: shortage of housing (tenements- buildings divided into small apartments) - “city beautiful” movement- fight the ugliness and disorder of industrialization. - Transportation solved and created problems: - Streetcars, subways, automobile traffic caused boundaries to expand because people could live farther from their jobs. - Streets were crowded and caused traffic problems

12 pages 222-229 notes, con’t 3. p. 225 What were some problems people faced in the cities as the population grew? *Good: more people had jobs and money *Bad: - Overcrowding led to difficulty in finding housing. Many families lived together in one tiny tenement apartment. - Tenements were crowded, unsafe, and uncomfortable. Many had no heat or windows for fresh air. - Diseases spread quickly and killed many (yellow fever, polio, tuberculosis, small pox, plague, scarlet fever) -public health idea - Cities were dirtier: smoke and soot from factories; more garbage and waste

13 pages 222-229 notes, con’t 4. p. 226 Solutions * YMCA, Salvation Army * James Naismith- basketball at YMCA * Dwight L. Moody- schools in Chicago for under privileged city children * Jane Addams- 1889- Hull House -a settlement house- a center that provides help for those with little money * Jacob Riis- poor immigrant- 1890 published How the Other Half Lives to show the hardships and terrible conditions faced by poor, urban immigrants -caused wealthy New Yorkers to donate money to help

14 pages 222-229 notes, con’t 5. p. 227 What was the cause of political machines? *Your notes should include the definition of political machines, and how they worked. Your notes should also include the good and bad of political machines.

15 pages 222-229 notes, con’t 6. Pages 228-229 *Read one paragraph at a time and write the most important idea from that paragraph. What you write should relate to urbanization and changes taking place. *Also, what 2 inventions made it possible for skyscrapers to be built? *Bridges

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