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 Get 4 pieces of white paper from Lab table 1.

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1  Get 4 pieces of white paper from Lab table 1


3  Anatomy ◦ The study of the body structure and form  Physiology ◦ The study of the processes of living organisms, or why and how they work  Pathology ◦ The study of the nature and cause of disease

4  Histology ◦ Study of tissues  Cytology ◦ Study of cells  Homeostasis ◦ Ability to maintain stable internal conditions – state of equilibrium or balance  Protoplasm ◦ Basic substance of all life  Carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur, nitrogen, and phosphorus

5  Hierarchy of structural organization

6  Body standing erect with arms to the side and palms facing forward, head and feet forward

7  Pronation ◦ Turning a body part downward  Supination ◦ Turning a body part upward

8  Medial ◦ Toward the midline

9  Lateral ◦ Toward the side

10  Anterior / Ventral ◦ In front

11  Posterior /Dorsal ◦ In back

12  Ventral ◦ Thoracic ◦ Abdominopelvic  Abdominal  Pelvic  Dorsal ◦ Spinal ◦ Cranial

13  Proximal ◦ Closest to the point of origin  Distal ◦ Farther from the point of origin

14  Internal ◦ Within the body  External ◦ Outside the body

15  Superficial ◦ Toward or at the body surface

16  Deep ◦ Away from surface, more internal

17  Superior (cranial or cephalic) ◦ Upper or above  Inferior (Caudal) ◦ lower

18  Flexion ◦ Decreasing the angle between two bones or bending a body part

19  Extension ◦ Increasing the angle between two bones or “extending” a body part

20  Abduction ◦ Moving away the midline  Adduction ◦ Moving toward the midline

21  Sagittal ◦ Divides the body vertically into right and left unequal parts  Medial or Mid- Sagittal ◦ Divides the body vertically into equal left and right parts

22  Coronal / Frontal ◦ Divides the body vertically into anterior and posterior parts  Transverse ◦ Divides the body or organ horizontally or into cranial / caudal parts


24  Head ◦ Parietal: top of head towards the back and sides ◦ Frontal : forehead ◦ Occipital: base of head ◦ Auricular : ear ◦ Buccal : cheek ◦ Orbital : eye socket

25 ◦ Mastoid : behind ear ◦ Nasal : bridge of nose ◦ Mental : chin ◦ Submental : below chin ◦ Maxillary :upper jaw ◦ Zygomatic : cheek bone

26  Neck ◦ Larynx : front of neck ◦ Trachea : front of neck ◦ Cervical : back of neck

27  Thorax ◦ Axillary : armpit ◦ Clavicular : collar bone ◦ Sternal : midchest ◦ Costal : rib ◦ Scapular : shoulder blade ◦ Pectoral: chest ◦ Deltoid : shoulder area


29  Posterior Trunk ◦ Nuchal : back of neck ◦ Cervical : neck ◦ Thoracic: back of trunk ◦ Lumbar : at small of back or lower back ◦ Sacral : pelvis, tailbone area ◦ Coccyx : tailbone ◦ Gluteal : buttocks

30  Extremities ◦ Brachial : upper arm ◦ Antecubital : front of elbow ◦ Olecranon : back of elbow ◦ Carpal : wrist ◦ Phalanges : fingers, toes ◦ Manual : hand

31 ◦ Pollex : thumb ◦ Femoral : thigh ◦ Patellar : front of knee ◦ Popliteal : behind the knee ◦ Tarsal : ankle ◦ Pedal : foot ◦ Calcaneal : heel of foot

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