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Bernard Fontaine Innovation and Technical Manager, France Télévisions Pôle France Télévisions Interactive Diversification and Convergence with Telecom.

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Presentation on theme: "Bernard Fontaine Innovation and Technical Manager, France Télévisions Pôle France Télévisions Interactive Diversification and Convergence with Telecom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bernard Fontaine Innovation and Technical Manager, France Télévisions Pôle France Télévisions Interactive Diversification and Convergence with Telecom December 7th 2009

2 TELECOM LANDSCAPE IN FRANCE People: 64.3M Households: 27.7M ADSL: 64% Mobiles: 90%

3 TELCO’s SUCCESS IN France, PRICE & QUALITY 20€ / Month for Triple Play Permanent IP connexion Totally free and unlimited for national and international phone calls. 60 Digital TV Channels * Lowcost ISP or Cable Operator entry price (30€ in average). *

4 SUCCESSFUL EVOLUTION FOR FRANCE TELEVISIONS AND DIGITAL SERVICES To be available on present and future platforms SELF DISTRIBUTION: DTT SD & HD ALL WEB services MOBILE web services DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENTS: SATELLITE IP TV services live TV/Catch up /VOD Sports events dedicated TV channels MOBILE TV 3G and future technos.

5 SOME EXEMPLES o F FTV DIVERSIFICATION (WEB) 20M /month Videos Files watched in October 2009 10M /month Players on FTV web Games, related to TV programs

6 SOME EXEMPLES o F FTV DIVERSIFICATION (MOBILE) Self distribution with dedicated application Live Channels via Telco’s Agreements

7 SOME EXEMPLES o F TELCO ipTV DIVERSIFICATION Choice for people to watch any France 3 Regional Live TV Programs on all ipTV set top box everywhere in France Choice for people to watch 24H/24H dedicated Sports TV Channels during majors Sports Events. Eg: Roland Garros, with 7 Live SD/HD Channels on ipTV, Internet and Mobiles. 12 Live Channels during the latest Olympic Games in China. Experimentation for 3D TV, (IP TV network) 3D TV

8 RELATIONS between us and Telco’s Public choose all digital networks and device to access to our contents. Telco realize their own content distribution investments for their own business. PSB use these opportunities to optimize its Public missions VOD,Catch Up IP Network and performances Powerful connected STB. Mobility for content distribution Etc….

9 ONLY Telco’s & PSB have connected projects ? NO … it would be simple ! What change during last years, only Digital and Telco’s relations ? yes but not only, now: OUR main device, the TV receiver, is now in a total mutation, it is a disruptive revolution. It becomes connected on the Internet. CE Manufacturers have also a business strategy like Telco’s services or CE Mobiles Manufacturers.

10 WHAT is the problem : W hose content on the TV screen ? B roadcasters action Uncontroled content displayed, over or around our programs is a real problem. Broadcasters and CE Manufacturers are aware about this issue. In 2008 Broadcasters proposed to CE Manufacturers to work together on a common internet based solution, easy and cheap to put into TV set.

11 French working Group German working Group Hybrid Broadcast and Broadband Television Technology for Interactive Content over Digital Television (Satellite and Terrestrial) Technology for Interactive Content over Internet networks PROPOSITION was to build together a common technology CE Manufacturers

12 NEW Challenge in Telecom & Broadcsat Industry Hybrid Television is an important TV evolution for: End Users Broadcasters Right Owners CE Manufacturers Internet Service Providers Network Operators Regulators 2010

13 THANK YOU for your attention

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