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The Reign of Louis XIV The Sun King. After a century of war and riots, France was ruled by Louis XIV, the most powerful monarch of his time.

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Presentation on theme: "The Reign of Louis XIV The Sun King. After a century of war and riots, France was ruled by Louis XIV, the most powerful monarch of his time."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Reign of Louis XIV The Sun King

2 After a century of war and riots, France was ruled by Louis XIV, the most powerful monarch of his time.

3 Focus Question How did France become a leading power in Europe under the absolute rule of Louis XIV?

4 Religious Wars & Power Struggles In 1572, the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre in Paris started a six-week, nationwide slaughter of Huguenots. 8 wars between Huguenots & Catholics Henry of Navarre, 1589- 1610 –Issues the Edict of Nantes –Peace finally! –Increases royal power.


6 What rights did the Edict of Nantes extend to Huguenots?

7 Louis XIII & Cardinal Richelieu Cardinal Richelieu rules France Increases power of the Bourbons by limiting Huguenots freedom –Outlaws Huguenot armies –Nobles given high posts at court Weakens power of nobility to strengthen the central government

8 How did Richelieu’s actions toward Huguenots and the nobility strengthen the monarchy?

9 Cardinal Richelieu at the Siege of La Rochelle

10 Louis XIV 1643-1715 Most powerful ruler in French history Uprising called the Fronde –Nobles, merchants, and peasants rioted Baby King – Cardinal Mazarin rules until Louis is 23

11 Cardinal Mazarin


13 Takes control in 1661 “L’état, c’est moi” –Uses intendants – government agents – to collect taxes –Built strong army –Never called a meeting of the Estates-General Economic Growth – Jean Baptiste Colbert, finance minister –Imposed mercantilist policies High tariffs on imported goods Carefully regulated trade with overseas colonies

14 Colbert Presenting the Members of the Royal Academy of Sciences to Louis XIV

15 Life of Luxury –Versailles Designed to be a symbol of royal wealth and power Elaborate court ceremonies called the levée –Patron of the arts Drama, painting, ballet

16 The King expected all noblemen to live with him at Versailles.


18 How does Louis gain the upper hand over the nobles?





23 Ceremony of the life of the Court in Versailles



26 At the court of King Louis XIV of France people would petition to be allowed the privilege of standing on the sidelines to watch the King eating.





31 Expansion of boundaries Internal problems –Poor harvests, wars, high taxes War of the Spanish Succession 1701-1714 Cancels Edict of Nantes Mixed Legacy France major military and cultural power, but lots of debt

32 How did Louis’s actions weaken France’s economy?



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