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Regents Biology 2007-2008 Skeletons & Muscles Regents Biology Animal Movement What are the advantages of being mobile? 1. Find food 2. escape 3. migrate.

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2 Regents Biology 2007-2008 Skeletons & Muscles

3 Regents Biology Animal Movement What are the advantages of being mobile? 1. Find food 2. escape 3. migrate 4. find a mate mobile able to move from place to place sessile stay in one place Ex: barnacles

4 Regents Biology Human endoskeleton 206 bones Axial skeleton skull, rib cage, spine Appendicular Skeleton hips, shoulders, arms and legs

5 Regents Biology Human endoskeleton Functions 1. support 2. protect 3. Move 4. Store minerals 5. Make blood cells Ossification – the replacement of cartilage by bone

6 Regents Biology 6 Types of Joints – Name, type of movement, example 1.Ball and socket Wide range of movement - ex. Hips and shoulders 2.Hinge Back and forth movement – ex. Wrist and knee 3. Pivot Twisting movement – ex. Neck and elbow 4. Fixed NO movement – ex. skull 5. Gliding Sliding movement – ex. Wrist and ankle 6. Saddle Allows thumb to cross over palm – ex. Thumb ONLY

7 Regents Biology 3 Types of Muscle voluntary involuntary, contract on their own involuntary Connect to bone Work in pairs Striated or striped NOT striated Controlled by the medulla Example – peristalsis, diaphragm Heart ONLY Striated striated smooth cardiac

8 Regents Biology Muscle movement  Muscles do work by contracting (shortening)  Muscles can only pull bone  skeletal muscles come in antagonistic pairs  Muscles work against each other  Flexor (bends) vs. extensor (straightens)

9 Regents Biology 3 Types of connective tissue ♦Tendons - connect bone to muscle  Ligaments - connect bone to bone  Cartilage – cushions between bones

10 Regents Biology Fast twitch & slow twitch muscles  Slow twitch muscle fibers  contract slowly, but keep going for a long time  more mitochondria for aerobic respiration  long distance runner  “dark” meat = more blood vessels  Fast twitch muscle fibers  contract quickly, but get tired rapidly  sprinter  “white” meat

11 Regents Biology Muscle limits  Muscle fatigue  lack of ATP – anaerobic respiration  low O 2  lactic acid lowers pH which interferes with enzyme (protein) function  Muscle cramps  build up of lactic acid – causes the “burn”  lack of (ATP)  massage or stretching increases circulation

12 Regents Biology Diseases – failure to maintain homeostasis  ALS - amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease)  motor neurons degenerate  Osteoporosis – loss of Calcium  Arthritis – loss of cartilage – bones “rub” together  Tendonitis  Leukemia – cancer of bone marrow

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