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1095-1272 The Crusades 1. Background 600s – Muslims take control of Palestine Christians & Jews allowed to practice own religion This changes during the.

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Presentation on theme: "1095-1272 The Crusades 1. Background 600s – Muslims take control of Palestine Christians & Jews allowed to practice own religion This changes during the."— Presentation transcript:

1 1095-1272 The Crusades 1

2 Background 600s – Muslims take control of Palestine Christians & Jews allowed to practice own religion This changes during the Middle Ages 2

3 Causes Late 1000s – Seljuk Turks take control of Palestine Muslims push West to Byzantine Empire Pope Urban II calls for “Holy War” (Crusades) +10,000 Europeans respond Save their souls Knights – Gain land & wealth Merchants – Make money Love of adventure & promise of reward 3

4 First Crusade 1096-1099 Armies meet difficulties on march to Palestine Heat – Wool & Leather Garments Heavy Armor Lacked Food & Water Captured Antioch – Continue march to Jerusalem 4

5 First Crusade Crusaders capture Jerusalem Terrible massacre – Muslim & Jewish inhabitants slaughtered Results Holy Land under European control European culture introduced (Feudalism) Trade began between Europe & Holy Land Christians & Muslims respect each other 5

6 Other Major Crusades Europeans held land for 100 years Turks slowly take land back Europeans try to prevent this in 3 more Crusades 6

7 Second Crusade 1146 – Turks begin taking back land 1147 – Crusade begins Louie VII (France) & Conrad III (Germany) Join forces at Damascus 1149 – Fail, return to Europe disgraced 7

8 Third Crusade 1187 – Saladin (Muslim) capture Jerusalem 3 Leaders of Crusade Emperor Frederick Barbarossa (Rome) King Phillip II (France) King Richard I (England) 1189-1192 Barbarossa drowned Phillip & Richard argue Richard reaches truce with Saladin 8

9 Fourth Crusade 1202 – Pope Innocent III sends French Knights Crusaders attack multiple Christian cities Zadar & Constantinople Attackers later excommunicated 9

10 Results Brought about Changes in Europe Weapons & Warfare – Crossbow, Undermine Walls, Catapults, Gunpowder Political – Ended Feudalism Nobles – Died or Sold land to finance Crusades – Now powerless Kings’ power grew Christian Church more powerful 10

11 Results Ideas & Trade Ideas from…Other Crusaders, Byzantines, Muslims These ideas spread through Europe Italian cities became trade centers Ships returned with many new foods 11

12 Lasting Effects Is there still conflict in the area? Who controls the “Holy Land” now? Have the groups involved learned to live peacefully? s s 12

13 Essential Questions How did The Crusades contribute to the end of the Middle Ages? How would the world be different today if The Crusades never happened? 13

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