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CANADA Chapter 8.

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1 CANADA Chapter 8

2 Regions Atlantic Provinces Great Lakes and St. Lawrence
Name the Prov/terr included and describe the relative loc. Natural Resources Economic Activities Population Density -- describe the overall density Atlantic Provinces Border the Atlantic Sea,fish, soil, oil Fishing, forestry, farming, dairy, tourism, oil 8% of pop. Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Surround great lakes Canadian Shield, Hudson Bay and St. Lawrence lowlands Mineral deposits, soil, water, forests Mining, farming, forestry, very urban and many ports for shipping 60% of pop in main cities Prairie Provinces Between Rockies and shield Plains, soil, cattle, oil and nat. gas Farming, grain and cattle, tourism 17 % of pop. British Columbia Western prov. Borders Pacific Salmon, fishing, minerals Fishing, forestry, mining and tourism Vancouver - highest pop. 13% of total pop. Northern Territories Smallest pop. To the north Mineral. Oil, nat. gas Seal hunting, oil, mining Less than 1 % of pop.

3 Fill in the chart/answer the questions
Questions: (put answers on back of chart) Use 3 examples from Canada to explain the answer to each question 1. How does location affect economic activities? 2. How do resources affect economic activities 3. What factors affect population density?

4 Canada CANADA 10 provinces and 3 territories
The 10 provinces are divided into 5 regions

5 Atlantic Provinces Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick Mixed deciduous forests Maritime -- bordering on or relating to the sea Off shore oil Smallest region (5% of Canada’s land) Resources -- fishing, dairy farming -- fruits, vegetables

6 Great Lakes and St. Lawrence
Quebec and Ontario Canadian Shield -- around Hudson Bay Poor soil and climate St. Lawrence lowlands - rich soil, mild climate 60% of population there Toronto --largest city in Canada Ottawa - nation’s capital Large cities on major seaways -- uses locks and canals to connect lakes

7 Prairie Provinces Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan
Agricultural region -- wheat, grain and cattle Tourism -- parks of Rocky Mts. Oil in Alberta

8 British Columbia Coastal area -- rockies
Tourism -Inside passage -- waterway between off-shore islands and coast Vancouver -- harbor / major port -- salmon, forests and mining

9 Northern Territories Yukon, Northwest Territory, and Nunavut
Fewer than 1 % of the pop. Large Native American population -- Inuit “the people” Many minerals -- gold, silver and copper, uranium, oil, nat. gas and diamonds

10 History of Canada (sect. 2)
British and French ancestry dominate Canada 40% are British 27% French Fur traders fought for control of Canada -- Hudson Bay Co. - company of British fur traders that settled in Canada Canada remained under British rule until 1867 Canada gained complete independence in 1931 Still today the French struggle for a voice Quebec -- French speaking province (Quebecois) Separatism -- making Quebec a separate country

11 Canada Today 2nd most: Edmonton and Quebec Chapter 8 -- section 3
In 1999 Canada was ranked #1 in a human development report Factors used: Economic, technology, Social, Human development, and provisions of care 80% of Canada’s pop. Live in cities Urban hierarchy -- cities that provide the most services: Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver 2nd most: Edmonton and Quebec

12 Canada cont. Canada buys 25% of U.S. exports
U.S. buys 75% of Canada’s exports FTA -- Free Trade Agreement (1988) lowered tariffs and eventually eliminated them in 1999 NAFTA -- North American Free Trade Agreement 1992 Mexico was added to the open trade NATO -- North Atlantic Treaty Organization -- formed in 1949 to protect N. America from Russia NORAD -- joins Canada and the U.S. in air defense Common Wealth of Nations -- former British colonies join together for symbolic protection from the British crown Middle country -- peace keeper

13 Government of Canada The Government of Canada is based on British Rule
David Johnston – current Gov. Gen.

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