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Soap Floats Lab. Question/Problem How your lab group make the bar of soap float in a container of water?

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Presentation on theme: "Soap Floats Lab. Question/Problem How your lab group make the bar of soap float in a container of water?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Soap Floats Lab

2 Question/Problem How your lab group make the bar of soap float in a container of water?

3 Research the problem Describe any science information needed to solve the problem and how to collect information. Float: To move gently on the surface of a liquid (water); drift along. To rest or remain on the surface of a liquid.

4 Explore Ideas Describe three ideas that could solve the problem, including any useful scientific concepts.

5 Plan Summary Which of the ideas (previously listed) will you use and why?

6 Hypothesis Prediction: Predicted answer to the question. What will happen? Related to question and includes: Should be written as an, if, then, because statement.

7 Experimental Procedures Materials: List the materials needed

8 Procedures 1. Gather materials 2. 3. 4.

9 Data Observations Observations: what do you see? Record measurements: How long did the soap float for each of your trials? Do you need a data table?

10 Analysis Show any math work

11 Conclusion Summary of the results This needs to include your Data! Relates to hypothesis: Supported or not? How do you know? Yes, my hypothesis was correct, (or no my hypothesis was incorrect) I stated, (restate hypothesis word for word). Then use data, pictures, or observations in the lab to prove why you were right or wrong.

12 Reflection If I were to do this lab again, I would….

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