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Scientific Method. Ask a question Ask a question.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Method. Ask a question Ask a question."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Method

2 Ask a question Ask a question

3 State your hypothesis A statement that predicts what you think will most likely happen in an experiment. A possible answer to your question. A statement that predicts what you think will most likely happen in an experiment. A possible answer to your question.

4 Identify the Variables Variables are things that can change. For a fair test, you choose just one variable to change. Keep all other variables the same.

5 Prediction Prediction List 2 ways the experiment might end up. List 2 ways the experiment might end up.

6 Make a plan to test your hypothesis. Collect materials and tools. Follow your plan. Experiment, test, changing one variable. Make a plan to test your hypothesis. Collect materials and tools. Follow your plan. Experiment, test, changing one variable. Test the Hypothesis

7 Collect and record data. Keep good records of what you do and find out. Use tables and pictures to help. Keep good records of what you do and find out. Use tables and pictures to help.

8 Interpret your data. Organize your notes and records to make them clear.

9 Conclusion  It is the decision you make based on your data. Tell what you found out. Tell whether or not your data supports your hypothesis.

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