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Science Process Skills. Observe- using our senses to find out about objects, events, or living things. Classify- arranging or sorting objects, events,

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Presentation on theme: "Science Process Skills. Observe- using our senses to find out about objects, events, or living things. Classify- arranging or sorting objects, events,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Process Skills

2 Observe- using our senses to find out about objects, events, or living things. Classify- arranging or sorting objects, events, or living things according to their properties. Estimate and Measure- telling how large you think an object is and then finding its exact size.

3 Infer- drawing a conclusion or making a reasonable guess based on what you already know or have learned. Predict- make a statement about what might happen next. Make and use models- making a model from materials or making a sketch or diagram. Making operational definitions- defining or describing an object or event based on your own experience with it.

4 Form questions and hypotheses- thinking of how you can solve a problem or answer a question. Collect data- gathering observations and measurements. Interpret data- using the information you have collected to solve problems or answer questions. Investigate and experiment- planning and doing an investigation to test a hypothesis or solve a problem.

5 Communicate- using words, pictures, charts, graphs and diagrams to share information.

6 Scientific Method Scientific Method KNOW THESE STEPS IN ORDER!!!

7 1. Ask a question 2. State your hypothesis 3. Identify and control variables 4. Test your hypothesis 5. Collect and record your data 6. Interpret your data 7. State your conclusion 8. Go Further

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