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LEARNING Semi-permanent change in behavior due to experience

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1 LEARNING Semi-permanent change in behavior due to experience

2 People to know:  Pavlov: Classical Conditioning (dogs/salivation)  Watson (& Rosalie Rayner): Little Albert, Generalization  Garcia & Koelling: Taste Aversion  Thorndike: Law of Effect  B. F. Skinner: Operant Conditioning  Rescorla & Wagner: Expectancy

3 Classical Conditioning  Ivan Pavlov (physiologist)  Dog Study  UCS, UCR, CS, CR, NS  Acquisition  CS first, then UCS (1/2 second = best)  Extinction  Spontaneous Recovery  Generalization (Little Albert) vs. Discrimination  Second/Higher Order

4 Taste Aversions  Aid survival  Garcia & Koelling: Taste aversion in rats  Only required one pairing  Delay can be longer than thought  Biological Predispositions: Rats to taste, not sound or sight

5 Operant Conditioning: Stimulus/Response  Thorndike: Law of Effect  B.F. Skinner: Operant Chamber (Skinner Box)  Reinforcement: Positive v. Negative (escape v. avoidance learning)  Punishment: Positive v. Negative/Omission  Do not confuse NR & Pun: NR increases a response, Pun decreases

6 Operant Conditioning  Shaping (single behavior w/ successive approximations)  Chaining (different responses in order)  Acquisition, Extinction, Spontaneous Recovery, Generalization, Discrimination ALL apply to OC as well  Premack Principle: You can use a preferred activity to reinforce a disliked activity  Instinctive Drift

7 Reinforcers  Innately rewarding  Food, water, rest  Learned value  Money, grades  Token economy PrimarySecondary

8 Reinforcement Schedules  Faster acquisition  Faster extinction  Slower acquisition  Slower extinction ContinuousPartial/Intermittent

9 Reinforcement Schedules Is reinforcement delivered based on number or responses exhibited OR time?  Fixed-ratio: Paid per shoe constructed  Fast & steady response rate  Fixed-interval: Paid every 2 weeks  Scalloped response rate (picks up around time)  Variable-ratio: Slot machines  High response rates. Very resistant to extinction & Encourages superstition  Variable-interval: Pop quizzes  Slow & steady response rates


11 Cognitive Learning  Behaviorists argue that cognition does not play a role in learning  However, some Cognitive Psychologists (Rescorla & Wagner) argue that it is the expectation (of the UCS or reinforcement/ punishment) that produces the response  Wolfgang Kohler: Insight Study - Monkeys get bananas without trial and error  Edward Tolman: Latent Learning – Rats in maze

12 Observational Learning (Modeling)  Albert Bandura: Bobo doll  Remember 2 part definition: Someone watches someone do something, then mimics the behavior

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