Back to School Night 2012 Second Grade Mrs. Lopez.

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Presentation on theme: "Back to School Night 2012 Second Grade Mrs. Lopez."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back to School Night 2012 Second Grade Mrs. Lopez

2 IB-PYP Units in 2 nd Grade Unit 1- Actions Unit 2 - Air Unit 3 - Community Unit 4 – Risk Takers Unit 5 - Adaptations Unit 6 - Culture

3 PYP Unit 1 Unit 1 Central Idea: The actions we chose to make have an impact on ourselves and relationships with others. Lines of Inquiry how actions impact relationships consequences of actions thinking before you act impacts outcome how perceptions affect choices

4 Comprehension Strategies Visualizing Making connections Summarizing Predicting Asking questions Monitoring & adjusting reading speed Clarifying

5 Assessment Comprehension test Vocabulary test Spelling test

6 Reading Test Read the story 2 times a week Complete comprehension sheet on Wednesday and correct Can use sheet on Friday Open book test

7 Everyday Math Spiral curriculum Concepts revisited throughout the year Home Link Workbook My Reference Book

8 Assessment Unit tests Math boxes Computation sheets

9 ST Math (Jiji) Compliments and reinforces the concepts being taught in the Everyday Math curriculum Computer lab 2 times per week At home “homework” component

10 Online Resources Everyday Math Online Imagine It! Online Jiji Online Spelling City Online

11 Homework Students are responsible for writing down homework, bringing materials home, completing homework, and turning it in on time. Please review and correct homework with your child on a daily basis. PLEASE SIGN THE PLANNER

12 Homework Folder Please remove TAKE HOME STAY HOME items daily Please assist your child in completing homework and making sure it is in the folder

13 Overview of Expectations Independent reading Responding to reading Paragraph writing and editing Addition and Subtraction facts Scientific method

14 The Grading System/Standards A = 100% - 93% B = 92% - 87% C = 86% - 78% D = 77% - 70% F = Below 70%

15 NWEA MPG/MAP Assessment Used to guide instruction 2 times a year Taken online

16 Special Schedule Monday-Spanish 10:25-11:15 Music 1:05-1:55 Tuesday-Spanish 9:35-10:25 Wednesday-P.E. 9:35-10:25 Thursday-Library 1:05-1:55 Friday-Spanish 9:22-10:04

17 Spanish 3 times a Week Visit Mr. Gimenez room 203 Red folder

18 Essential Agreements ( Please sign the code of conduct – page 63) Students created rules which they must follow in addition to the student code of conduct Student will write a note home when they have not followed the rules. Please sign the note and return it to school. Incentive chart

19 ATTENDANCE Please make sure your child is at school on time Tardiness and early dismissals disrupt the educational process Please be sure to send a note explaining your child’s absence upon their return to school Please be prompt in picking your child up each day.

20 Field Trips We are in the process of determining field trips for the school year. We invite all of you to join us as chaperones.

21 Lunch Money in envelope Can be turned in directly to the lunchroom before school

22 Birthdays Store bought treats only Drop off in the morning before 12:10 Monday- Thursday and before 11:30 on Friday

23 Reminders Please make sure your child covers all 2 textbooks (Imagine It reader and My Reference Book) Please pay $100 supply fee online

24 Important Sign planner Check homework Discuss with your child when he or she is on red

25 Ways to Help Review and correct homework with your child Provide homework area and materials Discuss units of study Have your child read every night Read to your child Take your child to the library Practice addition and subtraction facts Review spelling and vocabulary words Communicate with your child’s teacher

26 My Website Homework Important Documents Resources and links

27 Communication Please keep in contact with me If you would like to set up a conference, please make an appointment ahead of time My website- Parent Portal- monitor grades online at:

28 THANK YOU Thank you for attending this evening. I appreciate all of your support. You are the first and most important teacher that your child has.


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