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JRC-AL – Expert Meeting on Cat.4D reporting – 21/22.10.2004 Nitrogen Balance in the IPCC guidelines and Good Practice Guidance and in European National.

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Presentation on theme: "JRC-AL – Expert Meeting on Cat.4D reporting – 21/22.10.2004 Nitrogen Balance in the IPCC guidelines and Good Practice Guidance and in European National."— Presentation transcript:

1 JRC-AL – Expert Meeting on Cat.4D reporting – 21/22.10.2004 Nitrogen Balance in the IPCC guidelines and Good Practice Guidance and in European National GHG inventories Adrian Leip Joint Research Centre

2 JRC-AL – Expert Meeting on Cat.4D reporting – 21/22.10.2004 Table4.D Table4.B(b) Total Nitrogen produced Used for other purposes N 2 O emissions NH 3 + NO x volatilisation N excretion on pasture range and paddock Pasture Range and Paddock NH3 + NOx volatilisation N2O emissions Nitrogen input to agricultural soils from manure application Liquid Systems, Daily Spread, Solid Storage, and Dry Lot Other Systems

3 JRC-AL – Expert Meeting on Cat.4D reporting – 21/22.10.2004 EXAMPLE: FINLAND Table4.D Table4.B(b) Total Nitrogen produced NH 3 + NO x volatilisation N2O emissions Used for other purposes N excretion on pasture range and paddock Pasture Range and Paddock Liquid Systems, Daily Spread, Solid Storage, and Dry Lot Nitrogen input to agricultural soils from manure application Other Systems 22% 0% 2% 1.25% 3 1% 2% / 0.1% 78% 31% ENERGY MODEL

4 JRC-AL – Expert Meeting on Cat.4D reporting – 21/22.10.2004 EXAMPLE: UNITED KINGDOM Table4.D Table4.B(b) Total Nitrogen produced NH 3 + NO x volatilisation N2O emissions Used for other purposes N excretion on pasture range and paddock Pasture Range and Paddock Liquid Systems, Daily Spread, Solid Storage, and Dry Lot Nitrogen input to agricultural soils from manure application Other Systems 55% 8% 2% 1.25% 2% / 0.1% 37% 20% x x

5 JRC-AL – Expert Meeting on Cat.4D reporting – 21/22.10.2004 EXAMPLE: DENMARK Table4.D Table4.B(b) Total Nitrogen produced NH 3 + NO x volatilisation N2O emissions Used for other purposes N excretion on pasture range and paddock Pasture Range and Paddock Liquid Systems, Daily Spread, Solid Storage, and Dry Lot Nitrogen input to agricultural soils from manure application Other Systems 12% 0% 2% 1.25% 25.4% 2% / 0.1% 88% NITROGEN BALANCE MODEL TAN-based 7% x

6 JRC-AL – Expert Meeting on Cat.4D reporting – 21/22.10.2004 EXAMPLE: AUSTRIA Table4.D Table4.B(b) Total Nitrogen produced NH 3 + NO x volatilisation N2O emissions Used for other purposes N excretion on pasture range and paddock Pasture Range and Paddock Liquid Systems, Daily Spread, Solid Storage, and Dry Lot Nitrogen input to agricultural soils from manure application Other Systems 16% 7% 2% detailed CORINAIR methodology, default factors (NH 3 ) for housing and storage N left for spreading x 1.25% 18% + 1% 2% 66% x x x x

7 JRC-AL – Expert Meeting on Cat.4D reporting – 21/22.10.2004 CONCLUSIONS A link between the ammonia and the nitrous oxide emission inventory has been established by different countries and has several benefits: Input data requirements are very similar, thus both inventories can benefit from synergies. Ammonia volatilisation has to be estimated also for the N 2 O inventory to calculate indirect N 2 O emissions. The assessment of the emission of both gases enables to study the effect of a mitigation measure designed for one gas/policy on the other gas/policy. NH3 emissions will be introduced in the IPCC guidelines ??!

8 JRC-AL – Expert Meeting on Cat.4D reporting – 21/22.10.2004 RECOMMENDATIONS (i) Mitigation measures can affect emissions at another stage of the fate of nitrogen in agricultural systems. The guidelines should reflect changes in emissions down the pipe following a nitrogen-balance method. A comprehensive treatment of the nitrogen budget would – in some cases – require the estimation of other nitrogenous losses as NO x and N 2.

9 JRC-AL – Expert Meeting on Cat.4D reporting – 21/22.10.2004 RECOMMENDATIONS (ii) NH 3 volatilisation is a relatively fast process and related to the presence of total ammoniacal nitrogen (TAN). N 2 O emissions are related to total nitrogen. The TAN approach should be used for the NH 3 inventory and the total nitrogen approach for the N 2 O inventory.

10 JRC-AL – Expert Meeting on Cat.4D reporting – 21/22.10.2004 RECOMMENDATIONS (iii) Give separate volatilisation fractions of NH 3 + NO x from animal housing and manure storage systems in Table4.B(b) IMPLIED EMISSION FACTORS Emission factor per animal waste management system (kg N/kg N) %N2ON2ONH 3 + NO x (3) N2N2 Housing (liquid system) Housing (farm yard manure) Anaerobic lagoon 0.000 Liquid system 100% 0.001 With cover Without cover Solid storage and dry lot 0.020 Other (3) Please add columns for animal-specific data

11 JRC-AL – Expert Meeting on Cat.4D reporting – 21/22.10.2004 … leaving IPCC CRF input cells at the same location …... IMPLIED EMISSION FACTORS Emission factor per animal waste management system (kg N/kg N) N2ON2ONH 3 + NO x (3) N2N2 % Anaerobic lagoon 0.000 Liquid system 0.001 Solid storage and dry lot 0.020 Other Housing (liquid system) Housing (farm yard manure) Liquid system with cover Liquid system without cover (3) Please add columns for animal-specific data

12 JRC-AL – Expert Meeting on Cat.4D reporting – 21/22.10.2004 RECOMMENDATIONS (iv) Give separate volatilisation fractions of NH 3 and NO x from manure applied on agricultural soils and manure input by grazing animals to pasture, range, and paddock in Table4.D Fraction (a) DescriptionValue Frac BURN Fraction of crop residue burned NO Frac FUEL Fraction of livestock N excretion in excrements burned for fuel NO Frac GASF Fraction of synthetic fertilizer N applied to soils that volatilizes as NH 3 and NOx 0.10 Frac GASM Fraction of livestock N excretion and applied to soils that volatilizes as NH 3 and NOx 0.20 Frac GRAZ Fraction of livestock N excreted and deposited onto soil during grazing 0.12 Frac GASP Fraction of livestock N excreted and deposited onto soil during grazing that volatilizes as NH3 and NOx 0.07 Frac LEACH Fraction of N input to soils that is lost through leaching and runoff 0.30 Frac NCRBF Fraction of N in non-N-fixing crop NE Frac NCRO Fraction of N in N-fixing crop NE Frac R Fraction or crop residue removed from the field as crop NE and applied to soils

13 JRC-AL – Expert Meeting on Cat.4D reporting – 21/22.10.2004 RECOMMENDATIONS (v) Calculate N 2 O emissions from soils including the emissions from pasture, range, and paddock using the following equations. F RPR : Amount of nitrogen excreted by grazing animals on pasture, range, and paddock EF3 (RPR) : N 2 O emission factor as given in Table 4.12 in the IPCC Good Practice Guidance (page 4.43)

14 JRC-AL – Expert Meeting on Cat.4D reporting – 21/22.10.2004 where N T and N exT are used as defined in Equation 4.18 in the IPCC Good Practice Guidance (page 4.42) and Frac PRP is the fraction of total manure produced in a country deposited onto soils by grazing livestock Frac GASP : Fraction of manure deposited onto soils by grazing livestock which volatilises as NH 3 and NO x.

15 JRC-AL – Expert Meeting on Cat.4D reporting – 21/22.10.2004 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION !

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