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Ms. Crescioni Reading/English 2015-2016. Reading Bellwork (SSR) Every time you come to class, you must take out a book for Sustained Silent Reading and.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Crescioni Reading/English 2015-2016. Reading Bellwork (SSR) Every time you come to class, you must take out a book for Sustained Silent Reading and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Crescioni Reading/English 2015-2016

2 Reading Bellwork (SSR) Every time you come to class, you must take out a book for Sustained Silent Reading and read for the first 10 minutes of class. You will then write a summary of what you read about in your SSR Reading Log (minimum 5 sentences). I will pick up the Logs every other week for a grade. You may not leave any days blank; if you are absent, read at home and write about what you read then. Bring your own book to class or I will assign you one from my library. –No magazines! –No comic books unless it is a graphic novel approved by me!

3 English Bellwork Every Monday you will receive a new Bellwork sheet. You are to keep the sheet in your folder/binder the entire week and turn it in on Friday for a participation grade. Bellwork may consist of correcting grammar in sentences or answering questions from a passage. Bellwork Rules: –Get started as soon as you walk into the classroom –No talking during Bellwork –If you lose your sheet, write it on looseleaf –If you were absent one day, write absent.

4 English Journal Some weeks may be journal weeks. You will be given a writing prompt and must continuously write during the time I give you and then turn in all 3 by the end of the week. Mandatory minimum length: ½ page of looseleaf. Journal Rules: –Get started as soon as you walk into the classroom –No talking while writing –Must write in the journal section of your folder

5 Policies and Proced ures Raise your hand to speak! No off-topic or irrelevant questions will be tolerated!

6 Bathroom and Water You are only allowed to use the restroom 4 times a 9 weeks and must sign out on the clipboard next to your name. You are not allowed to go during the first and last 15 minutes of class. You must ask, “May I use the restroom?”

7 Pencils are to be sharpened at the beginning of class while getting started on bellwork Afterwards, you must raise your hand to get my permission to sharpen it Papers are passed up and over to the person sitting closest to the door Sharpe ning pencils Passi ng Paper s

8 You may only throw away trash at the end of class. No exceptions!! Attention signal is when Ms. Crescioni raises her hand in the air to get our attention. I also raise my hand and stop talking. Tra sh Attenti on Signal

9 Turn-in- Table and Heading When turning in any papers, find your class period, and put your work in the appropriate drawer. You must use the following heading on your work every time you turn something in or you will get points off:

10 To be answered on looseleaf in complete sentences and turned in: 1.What is one thing you are most excited about this school year? 2.What is one you are most nervous about this school year? 3.In what ways can you predict elementary school will be different from middle school?

11 Ms. Crescioni Reading/English 2015-2016

12 Reading Bellwork (SSR) Every time you come to class, you must take out a book for Sustained Silent Reading and read for the first 10 minutes of class. You will then write a summary of what you read about in your SSR Reading Log (minimum 5 sentences). I will pick up the Logs every other week for a grade. You may not leave any days blank; if you are absent, read at home and write about what you read then. Bring your own book to class or I will assign you one from my library. –No magazines! –No comic books unless it is a graphic novel approved by me!

13 English Bellwork Every Monday you will receive a new Bellwork sheet. You are to keep the sheet in your folder/binder the entire week and turn it in on Friday for a participation grade. Bellwork may consist of correcting grammar in sentences or answering questions from a passage. Bellwork Rules: –Get started as soon as you walk into the classroom –No talking during Bellwork –If you lose your sheet, write it on looseleaf –If you were absent one day, write absent.

14 The biggest ways to help your sixth grader: Ask them what assignments they have (homework/study) and check their Agenda Check Parent Portal Check class wikis READ READ READ! ANYTHING!!!

15 Great Books for SSR: Number the Stars by Lois Lowry The Lightening Thief by Rick Riordan The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick Any books from the Harry Potter or Hunger Games series

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