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Lifecycle/Pregnancy. The Beginning of the Life Cycle.

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Presentation on theme: "Lifecycle/Pregnancy. The Beginning of the Life Cycle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lifecycle/Pregnancy

2 The Beginning of the Life Cycle



5 Conception: An egg travels through the fallopian tube after ovulation; if a sperm makes its way from the vagina through the uterus to the egg within 72 hours, conception is likely to occur.

6 If sperm penetrates the egg and conception occurs. It is called a zygote until it reaches the uterus in 3-4 days.

7 Upon implantation, complex connections between the mother and embryo develop to form the placenta The embryo may float freely in the uterus for about 48 hours before implanting.

8 What is the placenta? Answer: a thick, blood rich tissue that lines the walls of the uterus during pregnancy and nourishes the embryo The umbilical cord connects to the embryo and the placenta The umbilical cord is a ropelike structure that connects the embryo to the mother’s placenta = BABY’S LIFELINE

9 The Umbilical Cord Answer: materials diffuse from one blood supply to the other through the umbilical cord. Nutrients and oxygen pass from the mother’s blood to the embryo and wastes from the embryo diffuse into the mother’s blood. Eventually, they are excreted.

10 Leaving the Womb A female goes through three stages of labor to deliver a baby. Labor can last for a few hours to several days. Stage 1: Dilation Stage 2: Passage through birth canal Stage 3: Afterbirth

11 Stage 1: Dilation Contractions of the uterus cause the cervix to dilate. Why can the uterus contract? Contractions will break the amniotic sac, the sac that surrounds the body. Only 25% of women experience their water breaking

12 Stage 2: Passage through Birth Canal Only when the cervix is fully dilated (10 cm), the baby passes through the birth canal (vagina) and emerges from the mother’s body. Right after birth, the baby takes its first breath and cries to clear the lungs of amniotic fluid.

13 Stage 3: Afterbirth The placenta is still attached to the baby by the umbilical cord. Contractions continue until the placenta also called afterbirth, is pushed from the mother’s body.

14 Prenatal Care Regular Doc’s Appointments: once a month until full term (37 weeks) last month of pregnancy (once a week) Ultrasound (20 weeks) Determine sex, check for any abnormalities thus far Diet: Numerous restrictions regarding food, drink and activity Avoid: caffeine, alcohol, excessive weight gain, sushi, lunchmeat, raw meat, tobacco products, etc.

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