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Physical Development of the Toddler

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Body growth and development do not grow as quickly as the first year grow at different rates (height and weight) -heredity -environment.

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1 Physical Development of the Toddler

2 Body growth and development
do not grow as quickly as the first year grow at different rates (height and weight) -heredity -environment

3 Years 1 to 3 Babies triple their birth weight during the first year
Toddlers gain only ¼ of that amount Most girls reach 53% of their adult height by age 2 Most boys reach 50% of their adult height by age 2

4 THEREFORE… It is usually true that a tall two-year-old will be a tall adult. Ben is 24 months old. He is currently 34 ½ in. tall. How tall will he be?

5 Average height and weight from one to three years
Age in months 12 18 24 30 36 Height Weight 30 in lbs 32 in lbs 34 in lbs 36 in lbs 38 in lbs

6 Motor Development Toddlers improve on motor skills developed as an infant Also learn many new skills Practice, practice, practice!!

7 Large Motor Development
development of the trunk and arm and leg muscles also called gross motor development -climbing -walking -jumping -running -throwing

8 Walking Most begin within two to three months after first birthday
How old were you when you learned to walk? Learn to walk at different ages Beginning stand with feet wide apart turn feet outward and flex knees tiptoes arms out

9 Walking cont’d At two years may look like a run 170 steps per minute half the length of adult stride walk onto objects lots of falling

10 Running True running begins around 2 years Not skilled
Cannot start or stop quickly

11 Jumping Not much before 2 years
At 2 years- jump off low objects with both feet Move arms backwards

12 Climbing Toddlers climb onto furniture and other objects
Walk up and down stairs with help Put both feet on each stair Climbing relates to accessibility and courage

13 Throwing and Catching Throwing begins on accident
Like seeing what happens and then throw on purpose Sitting before standing Not skilled throwers until 3 years Catch by squatting and picking up Arms extended and elbows stiff

14 Small Muscle Development
Development of small muscles- hands and fingers Fine motor skills Eye-hand coordination Hold utensils, drink from cup, feed themselves- after 1 year

15 18 months- 2 years string large beads turn book pages one at a time
open doors using knobs hit pegs with hammer hold crayons and pencils By 2 years- most show hand preference

16 Providing for the Toddler’s Physical Needs
Feeding Clothing Rest and Sleep Hygiene Toilet Learning

17 Clothing Consider self-dressing features to help them get dressed by themselves Consider safety, comfortable fabric and construction, growth features, durability, attractive style, and easy care

18 Rest and Sleep Toddlers sleep less than babies May resist sleep
Many techniques help in sleep management

19 Hygiene (or Baths!) Usually fun for toddlers. May use a seat or a tub
Never ever leave a toddler in a bathtub alone

20 Toileting Timing varies from toddler to toddler
Many toddlers do not complete the learning process quickly.

21 Physical Factors Ability to feel a full bowel and bladder
Ability to know what the sensation of needing to go means in time to get to the potty Ability to control muscles used for holding in or letting go Ability to walk Ability to remove or push down clothes

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