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Microscopes allow us to see inside the cell

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1 Microscopes allow us to see inside the cell
Microscope is an important tool. Cells are diverse (very different) Plants & Animals have EUKARYOTIC cells.

2 Microscope is an important tool
Light microscopes (using lenses to bend light & magnify) led to discovery of Cell Theory. Can magnify up to 1000 times and can view living cells. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) & Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) use electrons to produce images. Can magnify up to 1 million times but not view living organisms.

3 CELLS ARE DIVERSE Every Cell has a protective covering, the CELL MEMBRANE. CYTOPLASM is a gelatin-like fluid within the membrane where most of the cell work is done. EUKARYOTIC cells have a nucleus containing its genetic material. (most multicellular) PROKARYOTIC cells have its genetic material float throughout the cytoplasm with no nucleus. (most unicellular are prokaryotes) ORGANELLES are any part of a cell enclosed within its own membrane.


Plant cells have CELL WALLS: tough, non-living covering outside of c.membrane CHLOROPLASTS: found in plant cells; captures sun’s energy to make sugar MITOCHONDRIA: in both plant & animal; use oxygen to release energy from food/sugar. ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM: system of winding membranes outside of nucleus; used in making & transporting proteins & parts of cell membrane



RIBOSOMES: receives data from nucleus to build proteins to place in the E.R. VESICLES: small packages that break off of E.R. to transport material to Golgi apparatus. GOLGI APPARATUS: finishes processing materials made in the E.R. VACUOLES: store water, waste & food. Large in plants, smaller in animal cells. LYSOSOMES: small vacuole that holds digestive chemicals to break down materials in cell(food) or old cell parts.

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