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 Sigismund Freud  May 6, 1856  Freiberg, Moravia  theories often a product of the zeitgeist.

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2  Sigismund Freud  May 6, 1856  Freiberg, Moravia  theories often a product of the zeitgeist

3  Victorian Era  behaving properly  doing good works  sexuality was taboo

4  Victorian tendency to “split”  public self  private and secret self  split = neurosis of the day  openly discussed sexuality  offensive to many

5  Amalie Freud (Freud's mother)  eight children  Freud the oldest and her favourite  Freud born out of wedlock?  played a key role in Freudian theory

6  Jakob Freud (Freud's father)  Jewish wool merchant  Freud's views of his father were mixed  Oedipus complex  "sons unconsciously desire to kill their fathers"  Freud's father was married three times

7  1881-1882 doctor of medicine  research focus (neurology)  psychiatry to make a living and get married  1884-1885: experiments with cocaine  18 hour days, 24 Volumes of writing

8  1886: Marries Martha Bernays  6 children (3 boys and 3 girls)  one of which was Anna Freud  1887-1888 : interested in hypnotherapy  abandons in favor of ______________________

9  1893-1894: with Josef Breuer  "father figure"  helped F get established  Anna O. (Bertha Pappenheim)

10  Anna - 2 years in therapy  hysterical neurosis  developed the TALKING CURE  by talking Anna's symptoms disappeared

11  origins of hysterical symptoms are in childhood sexual seduction  experiences are repressed

12  1895: analyze one of his own dreams  Manifest Content  Latent Content

13  Anna Freud born  1896: first use of term "psychoanalysis“  starts to develop neurotic symptoms  1897: begins his self-analysis  1900: Interpretation of Dreams published

14  1906: Jung and Freud Correspond  1909: Journey to America  1913: Break with Jung

15  1918: loses his entire fortune  1923: oral cancer are detected  smoking 20 cigars a day, 33 operations  in pain, continues to work

16  1930: A heart attack  1933: Hitler becomes Chancellor  Freud corresponds with Einstein  1938: anti-semitic persecution  Nazis burned Freud's books

17  Sept. 23 rd, 1939 dies

18  The ideas..  The man…

19  Psychic Determinism  Internal Structure  Psychic Conflict  Mental Energy


21 Consciousness Preconscious Unconscious

22  sexuality and life instincts :  aggression and death instincts:

23  Brain v. Mind  Brain – physical organ  Mind – ID, EGO, SE

24  Superego –  Ego –  ID –

25  ID (translated as "the it")  uncivilized, selfish, illogical, impulsive, pleasure-seeking  at birth, the mind consists entirely of ID  works according to the ___________________________

26  the EGO (translated as the "I")  rational, realistic  reality principle =

27  function of the EGO  balance between demands reality, the ID and Superego

28  moral, perfectionistic (unrealistically)  the superego (translated the "over I")  standards about what is right and wrong  irrationally demanding in its strive for moral perfection  superego consists of two parts:  ego ideal and conscience  ego ideal -  conscience -

29  conflict results in anxiety  realistic anxiety  neurotic anxiety  moral anxiety  To cope… we use defense mechanisms

30  Psychic energy of mind is called Libido  Energy is finite  Energy must be vented

31  Catharsis Hypothesis

32  Libido invested in stages ◦ 0ral ◦ Anal ◦ Phallic ◦ Latency ◦ Genital

33 Believed in moderation… Problems Underinvestment Overinvestment Results in FIXATION

34  Erogenous zone: mouth, lips, and tongue  Quality of care giving an issue.  IDEAL: moderate care  trust, given and receive, self-reliance  BAD: too little care  BAD: too much care

35  unhealthy development: ◦ oral passive personality ◦ oral aggressive

36  control over anal sphincters  Parents play a key role in toilet training  How this is handled is crucial…  IDEAL: Moderate praise ◦ healthy development: personal autonomy, independence, initiative without guilt

37  children want to become independent.  “ME DO” – learns self-control  Learning the meaning of the word “NO”  “Terrible Twos”

38  BAD: too high expectations (too harsh)  BAD: no expectations…. (too lenient)  unhealthy development: ◦ anal-retentive

39  complicated and controversial stage  adjustments to opposite sex are made  Oedipus and Electra complex  Males and Females resolve this stage differently.  Superego develops by the end of this stage

40  Inspired by Greek legend  Oedipus = “swollen foot”  King of Thebes (Oedipus) unconsciously kills father and marries mother  Little boys want to kill their fathers and sleep with their mothers  Can’t happen… so little boys identify with father

41  “Penis envy”  “The Love Doctor” did not understand women  “What do women want”?  “The Dark Continent”

42  Emerging sexual feelings during stage  Emerging conscience  resolution dictates how you handle sexuality as an adult  Sexual uptight (rigid, guilt-prone, condemning)  Sexually “loose” (phallic personality)

43  Cooling off period  no localization of libidinal energy  sexual interests replaced by social ones  Sexual drive is “sublimated” to school, hobbies, friends and sports  Weakness of theory  Attraction can occur as early as the 4 th grade before sexual maturity

44  marked by the development of emotional ties with member of the opposite sex  Focus outward, instead of inward  Learn to love and work = mental health




48  Defense Mechanisms

49  George Valliant ◦ Mature - sublimation ◦ Neurotic – sexualization ◦ Immature - regression ◦ Narcissistic – distortion ◦ See Kaplan and Sadock

50  Two goals…  1) Gain insight (intellectual awareness)  2) Change behavior (move aware from repetitive compulsions)

51 Repression: Primary and Secondary Primary - Secondary -

52  Dissociation:

53  Identification:

54  Displacement:

55  Distortion:

56  Idealization-Devaluation:

57  Isolation of affect:

58  Passive-Aggressive:

59  Projection:

60  Splitting:

61  Projective Identification:  beliefs about another are translated into behavior that confirms the original belief  This requires an explanation…

62  Rationalization:

63  Reaction formation:

64  Regression:

65 Schizoid fantasy:

66  Sexualization:

67  Somatization:

68  Denial -

69  Omnipotence -

70  Sublimation:

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