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Look how far we have come…..

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1 Look how far we have come…..
Nutrition AND YOU Look how far we have come…..

2 Review what the basics are as far as nutrition…
Review what the basics are as far as nutrition…. and then what a serving size looks like… Learning Targets: Review “basics” of nutrition Analyze your own diet Learn to use resources that can help you make better choices Review how activity level affects food needs Learn nutritional properties of foods Take Notes on information written in red

3 New guide for a balanced diet…

4 You Tube Clip on Healthful Foods
Epidemic of Obesity

5 Nutrients Chemical substances in food that helps maintain the body
Some supply energy, while others repair and build tissue You need over 50 nutrients for good health No food provides all the nutrients needed for the body. That is why a VARIED diet is so important Types of Nutrients Protein Carbohydrates Fats Vitamins Minerals Water

6 Proteins Functions: Sources: How much is needed? 20% of total calories
Protein is found in EVERY cell Provides amino acids which are essential for growth, maintenance and repair of tissue Regulates body processes (fluid balance) Can be used for energy if carbohydrates and fat are not available Sources: 20 essential amino acids 9 have to come from food (essential amino acids) Complete protein Examples: Meat, eggs and dairy Incomplete protein Legumes, grains and vegetables Must be made complete or body can’t use it How much is needed? 20% of total calories Best Choices: lean protein (chicken, salmon, turkey, )

7 Carbohydrates Functions: Sources: How much is needed?
Simple Carbs: look for “ose” to identify hidden sugars! Glucose, Fructose, Lactose, Sucrose Complex Carbs: Starch, Glycogen, Fiber Functions: Primary source for the body’s energy Helps digest fat Used for growth and maintenance Rich in fiber help prevent cancer and intestinal problems Sources: Vegetables, Pasta, Seeds, Nuts, Fruit, Legumes (peas, beans) How much is needed? 55-65% of your calories should come from carbohydrates (mainly complex)

8 Fats Best Choices: lean protein (chicken, salmon, turkey, ) Functions:
Provide energy Carry fat soluble vitamins Needed for healthy skin Provide protection to organs Help regulate body temperature Sources: Visible sources (accounts for 40% of fat calories consumed) Butter/margarine Salad dressings Oils and shortening Invisible sources (accounts for 60% of fat calories consumed) Eggs, cream baked products, avocados How much is needed? No more than 15% of daily calories…..CHOOSE MONO AND UNSATURATED FAT SOURCES Best Choices: lean protein (chicken, salmon, turkey, ) SATURATED (animal based: cheese, butter, etc) and TRANS FAT( used during manufacturing process, in lots of processed types of foods, crackers, cookies, etc. ELIMINATE THESE )

9 Fat also… Provides protection to organs
Helps to regulate body temperature Regulate certain hormones Coating on nerves and the membranes that surround body cells Adds taste and texture to foods Helps you feel full for several hours after you eat

10 Fat soluble vitamins A,D,E,K stored in fat in the body A for vision
D comes from sun needed for bones E found in fatty food is an antioxidant K needed for clotting blood

11 Minerals Chemical elements that are needed for certain body processes, such as enzyme activity and bone formation Calcium Chromium Copper Fluoride Iodine Iron Magnesium Potassium Phosphorus Selenium Sodium Sulfur Zinc

12 Water Soluble Vitamins
Contain carbon and are needed in small amounts to maintain health and allow growth B vitamins – use for cell metabolism & energy Folate – especially important during pregnancy Biotin – helps metabolize enzymes C vitamins – helps produce collagen which repairs skin, bones and muscle, also helps the immune system function properly

13 Water About 60% of your body Need about 2 ½ quarts (8 ½ cups) per day
Some water comes from food Prevents Dehydration – Warning Signs Thirst Headache Fatigue Loss of appetite Dry eyes/mouth Dark urine color Nausea Difficulty concentrating Confusion Disorientation Can cause death

14 Calories Units of energy
1 calorie = the amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree C Carbohydrates 1 gram = 4 calories Fats 1 gram = 9 calories Protein

15 How many of you read those labels?
Nutrition Labeling: How many of you read those labels? ture=related 9 minutes

16 Food Diary Due Next Class Period
Starting tomorrow keep track of all the food you eat for the next 24 hour period. Also estimate what size serving did you have? For example: A turkey sandwich may have – 2 slices of bread 4 oz of turkey Lettuce, tomato

17 Choose My Plate Website:
Use this website to “Create a Profile” to find your own personal recommendations


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