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Classroom Rules, Consequence Ladder, Rewards, and Procedures

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1 Classroom Rules, Consequence Ladder, Rewards, and Procedures
Mr. Drake High School Spanish Meridian High School Mr. Drake 9th Grade Math Greenville High

2 Classroom Management Defined
The process by which teachers organize, structure and otherwise conduct the actions of their classroom to establish an environment conducive to student learning and increase time on task so that students can successfully and quickly meet established objectives.

3 Personal Philosophy Establish the tone swiftly and early.
Rewards and praise are more effective than punishments in eliciting expected behaviors. Establish high expectations early and hold students to them in an obvious and public way.

4 Positive Learning Environment
Students and teacher are cheerful and respectful in the classroom. The students are challenged and engaged The classroom is a safe, clean and positive place to work The students are eager to learn and help each other learn

5 Rules Follow all directions first time given.
Raise you hand to speak or stand. Keep hands, feet, objects, and negative comments to yourself. No outside food, drinks, or candy Respect the speaker **I will try having the students create the rules, these will be the rules I will guide them to choosing

6 Consequence Ladder Verbal Warning Copy Assignment
Seat Change and/or Hall Conference Phone Call Home Referral ***Severity Clause: Teacher reserves the right to use any consequence at any time. ***Any back talk or argument will result in another consequence.

7 Rewards Tickets/ Bi-weekly Raffle Verbal Praise
Positive Phone Call Home Student of the Month Marble Jar > Movie at the end of the 9 weeks

8 Beginning of Class Procedure
quietly, Enter classroom silently, go directly to your assigned seat, and begin working on warm-up If you would like to borrow materials from classmates, it must be down in a level 2 voice and before the bell rings. Once bell has rung the class is completely silent, in seats and working on warm-up, if you need materials you must raise hand with the correct number of tickets. If you do not have a pencil grab a color pencil as you enter the classroom

9 Lunch Line Procedure Classroom Rules and Consequences are in effect during the lunch line. The Teacher will release Students by rows to form a Single file line inside the classroom. Students will walk Silently in lunch line. Students will walk Swiftly while in lunch line. outside

10 Procedure for Receiving a Consequence
When you choose to break a rule, you will receive a consequence. When you receive a consequence, there are only two acceptable responses: “Yes, sir” Silence Any discussion about the consequence will take place after class.

11 Procedure for Answering/Asking Questions
When Mr. Drake’s hand is raised, you must raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged before speaking. When Mr. Drake says “Class” or “All together now!” students may say the answer without raising their hand first.

12 Exiting the Classroom Procedure
The bell does not dismissal the class, Mr. Drake does. No one will be dismissed until everyone is seated and the floor is clean. The class will be dismissed my groups. Students will turn in any assignments or supplies in designated area as they exit the classroom.

13 Parental Involvement Phone call home to each parent within two weeks of school starting. Positive phone calls home as rewards. Parent contact (call, text, , note) as needed for behavior issues or failing grades. Remind101

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