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Mrs. Stafford Mrs. Parks  Each child will have a take home folder that may also be referred to as an agenda. We will list any important notes that you.

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2 Mrs. Stafford Mrs. Parks

3  Each child will have a take home folder that may also be referred to as an agenda. We will list any important notes that you need to be aware of on a daily basis. There will also be other pertinent information pertaining to your child’s classroom as well as school. It is imperative that you check your child’s folder on a daily basis and initial it so that the teacher knows you are aware of upcoming events. Many of these have deadlines and your child may miss those if folders are not checked. Also, this is a good form of communication if you have a short note you need to make your child’s teacher aware of. There is a sample of the agenda in your packet.

4  In the morning either go to the gym or cafeteria. Kindergarten will set on the far right bleachers when you first come in the door.  Children should walk to their rooms upon dismissal.  In the afternoon, bus riders will be walked to their bus.  In the afternoon, car riders will be brought to the gym and you need to stay inside your car with your pick up card visible and an adult will bring your child to the car. We will distribute pick up cards with your child’s name on them.

5  If your child is absent from school, we must have a note stating the reason for an absence. If you have taken your child to the doctor, it is best to have a doctor’s excuse. We can have only 5 excused parent notes and after this parent notes will be counted as unexcused.  Also, please remember that being on time is crucial as well. Children should be in their classroom no later than 7:45. They are counted tardy after that time.

6  Any money sent to school should be in an envelope or zip lock bag marked with your child’s name on it and purpose for the money. This should be placed in your child’s folder. There are many instances when we may have several things going on at once and will be uncertain of what the money applies to.  Lunch money will also fall under this category unless your child directly pays the cafeteria during breakfast time.  Your child will be given a lunch number to use to pay for their lunches. A sample of the computer used is included in your packet. Your child needs to learn this number.

7  A “Family Times” paper will come home at the beginning of each week describing what skills we are covering that week. It will list ideas and suggestions for you to go over with your child. A sample is in your packet.  A homework page will be sent home on Monday which will be due back on Friday of that week. Please place this in your child’s agenda to return on Friday..

8  A discipline form is in your packet. Please refer to this for questions about discipline.

9  Parent Volunteers are needed and are welcome throughout the year. Please sign up if you can help us by volunteering. We feel working together as a team is an integral part of your child’s education. A sign up sheet is available in the room.

10  You will receive a tentative class schedule shortly after school begins. Please keep in mind that the schedule may sometimes change due to other activities.  If you would like to contact a teacher to schedule a meeting, please call the office and leave a message and we will contact you at soon as we can.  You may also write a note in your child’s agenda.

11  We are very excited about having reading coaches at our school. They will be assisting teachers with our new reading series and work stations.  We have adopted a new reading series and are very excited about the potential this series has. We have a tremendous amount of new resources and will be integrating work stations into our 90 minutes of reading per day. We believe this will make a difference in your child’s reading abilities.

12  We have a great deal of fun activities planned for this year. Our theme is “Rock to the Beat of Reading”. We will describe the Accelerated Reader program in a few weeks when it begins.

13  If you see art supplies on sale, we can always use things for art projects. We are considering doing an art project in April. We will update you with further information.  Treasure box items are always welcome.  Please remember to save Box Tops, Coke Tabs, and Campbell’s Soup Labels.  Also, please save can tabs and send those in.

14  A list of approved snacks is in your packet. Please send one of these or a comparable snack for your child on a daily basis.  A student health form will be sent home for you to fill out. Please make certain all information is filled out and the form is returned. Any medication given to your child at school must be given and kept by the nurse. More information is in the handbook regarding this.

15  Discussion of any other items included in your packet.  All forms need to be filled out and signed as soon as possible. These forms are very important. Please also make certain that anytime you have a phone or address change you notify the school immediately in case of an emergency.  It is imperative to read your child’s Waterville handbook for school policies.


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