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The Constitution The Supreme Law of the Land. 6 Basic Principles the Constitution is Built On #1: Popular Sovereignty – The people are all Powerful.

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Presentation on theme: "The Constitution The Supreme Law of the Land. 6 Basic Principles the Constitution is Built On #1: Popular Sovereignty – The people are all Powerful."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Constitution The Supreme Law of the Land

2 6 Basic Principles the Constitution is Built On #1: Popular Sovereignty – The people are all Powerful

3 6 Basic Principles the Constitution is Built On #2: Limited Government – Govt. has only that authority people have given it.

4 6 Basic Principles the Constitution is Built On #3: Separation of Powers – 3 Branches – Executive – Enforces Law – Judicial – Interprets Law – Legislative – Makes Law

5 6 Basic Principles the Constitution is Built On #4: Checks and Balances – Constitution keeps one branch from becoming too powerful.

6 6 Basic Principles the Constitution is Built On Checks and Balances – President can veto laws (Ex check on Leg) – Legislature can override President (Leg check on Ex) – President appoints Supreme Court Members (Ex check on Jud) – Legislature approves Justices (Leg check on Jud) – Supreme Court declares law unconstitutional (Jud check on Leg) – Supreme Court declares Ex. Actions illegal (Jud check on Ex)

7 6 Basic Principles the Constitution is Built On #5: Judicial Review – The power to decide if actions of the government are constitutional. – Established by S.C.C. Marbury vs Madison Unconstitutional – Not allowed by the constitution…..Illegal.

8 6 Basic Principles the Constitution is Built On #6: Federalism – means power is shared between the federal and state govt. – Note: nothing can conflict with the constitution. It is the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND.

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