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Governmental Structure Separation of Powers. Legislative Branch Two branches (House and Senate) –House of Representatives based on population –Senate.

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Presentation on theme: "Governmental Structure Separation of Powers. Legislative Branch Two branches (House and Senate) –House of Representatives based on population –Senate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Governmental Structure Separation of Powers

2 Legislative Branch Two branches (House and Senate) –House of Representatives based on population –Senate has 2 seats per state Write bills Control government spending Sole power to declare war

3 Executive Branch Lead by the President –“Chief” of many things Sign bills into law Make treaties Executive Orders Power of Recognition –China and Taiwan

4 Judicial Branch Supreme Court –9 Justices Interpret laws Judicial Review –Determine Constitutionality of laws

5 Checks and Balances Keeps branches co-equal Each branch has limited control over the other Prevents any branch from getting too powerful

6 Checks on Executive Judiciary Checks –Can declare actions unconstitutional (Madison Vs. Marbury 1803) –Chief Justice presides over impeachment trial –May prevent actions through injunction –Appointed for life Legislative Checks –Power to impeach –Override veto –Approves appointments –Controls the budget –War Powers Resolution of 1973 –Ratify Treaties

7 Checks on Legislative Executive Checks –Power of veto –Proposes legislation –Sets agenda –Can call special sessions Judicial Checks –The courts can declare laws unconstitutional –Determines application of law through interpretation

8 Checks on Judicial Executive Checks –Appoints Judges –Power to grant reprieve –Power to pardon Legislative Checks –Amend the Constitution –Restrict jurisdiction –Establish courts –Confirms presidential appointments –Impeach and remove federal judges

9 Independent Regulatory Agencies Further check on government Set up outside of political pressure Made of experts in their field Have limited legislative and judicial power Set regulations



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