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The Three Branches of Government Chap. 3, Sec. 2 Legislative Branch Who: Congress  House & Senate Power: Makes laws Executive Branch Who: President directs.

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Presentation on theme: "The Three Branches of Government Chap. 3, Sec. 2 Legislative Branch Who: Congress  House & Senate Power: Makes laws Executive Branch Who: President directs."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Three Branches of Government Chap. 3, Sec. 2 Legislative Branch Who: Congress  House & Senate Power: Makes laws Executive Branch Who: President directs the federal agencies Power: Enforces (carries out) the laws Judicial Branch Who: Supreme Court & lower courts Power: Interprets the Constitution and federal laws when there are disputes over meaning White House The Capitol Building Supreme Court

2 Checks & Balances: the 3 branches may restrain each other from becoming too powerful The President (Executive) may: Check Congress by: 1.Vetoing a bill passed by Congress 2.Calling special sessions of Congress Check the Supreme Court by: appointing federal judges

3 Legislative Action The Congress (Legislative) may: Check the President by: 1)Overriding a veto with a 2/3 vote of the House & Senate 2)Impeaching the President for crimes Check the Supreme Court by: 1)I mpeaching judges for crimes 2)Senate must approve the President’s appointments of judges

4 Judicial Action The Supreme Court (Judiciary) may: Check Congress by: 1)Ruling a law of Congress to be unconstitutional 2)Judges are appointed for life. Check the President Court by: 1)Ruling an action of the President to be unconstitutional 2)Judges are appointed for life.

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