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Nutrition Sports Medicine Mr. Gross. Nutrition The process of taking in and using food Providing energy for the body.

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrition Sports Medicine Mr. Gross. Nutrition The process of taking in and using food Providing energy for the body."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrition Sports Medicine Mr. Gross

2 Nutrition The process of taking in and using food Providing energy for the body

3 Calorie Measure of energy in food Number of calories is dependant on fat, proteins and carbohydrates in food

4 Food Affects How we –Look –Feel –Act –Grow –Function

5 Food is necessary for survival

6 The way we eat is dictated by Custom Religion Family Pleasure Lifestyle Traditions Health

7 Eating the correct kind and amount of food is important for energy and stamina

8 Food causes a chemical re4action increasing the state of well-being and providing energy

9 Food Used for Energy Growth Repair

10 The FDA established the RDA and the RDA is reviewed every five years

11 RDA Recommended Daily Allowance Meets the needs of most people

12 Smokers Daily RDA 100 Milligrams of vitamin C

13 Good Nutrition is not Torture Do Not Deprive yourself of food Force yourself to eat certain foods –Spinach –Tuna fish Buy expensive supplements

14 Good nutrition is often associated with rigidity, guilt and denial

15 The key to good nutrition is: More plant food Fewer animal foods More exercise

16 Adequate diet should consist of: 65% Carbohydrates 10-20% Fat 15-25% protein 20-30 mg fiber

17 Essential Nutrients Nutrients not made in the body or in insufficient amounts

18 Carbohydrates Primary source of Energy 4 cal/gr Starches and sugars from plant food

19 Complex carbohydrates Cereals Potatoes Rice Breads pastas Nuts Seeds Grains legumes


21 If an overabundance of carbohydrates are consumed Carbohydrates are converted to fat Fat is stored in the body as reserve energy

22 The body needs sugar from carbohydrates found in Fruits Vegetables Breads

23 Why consume carbohydrates instead of fat Energy required to convert fat to fat=75% Energy required to convert carbohydrates to fat =97%

24 Refined/processed sugar used to make food taste better No nutritional value

25 Sugar is hidden in prepared foods 1 can of pop contains 9 tsp of sugar

26 High sugar consumption leads to obesity (diabetes)

27 Fats 20% consumption Less than 10% saturated

28 Fats Provide insulation and protection Stored energy 9 cal/gr Healthy cell walls Healthy skin, hair and nails Cholesterol metabolism Circulate fat soluble vitamins ADE&K 1lb of fat equals 3500 Calories

29 Fatty acids are necessary for growth and maintenance Corn oil Soybean oil Peanut oil

30 Cholesterol 300 mg max Fatty wax like substance Production of sex hormones Oil for skin and hair Production of bile acids Sheath around nerve fibers

31 High Density Lipoproteins (HDL) Good Cholesterol Carries cholesterol from cells to liver

32 Low Density Lipoproteins Bad Cholesterol Con not carry as much cholesterol Some cholesterol is dropped along the way Hardening of the arteries because of the build-up

33 LDL Products Eggs Fish milk Meat Cheese poultry

34 Proteins 1/5 of a person’s body weight Muscles Bones Cartilage Skin Tissue Body fluids

35 Proteins Last source of energy Consumed in great quantities converted to fat and used as stored energy Lack of protein affects alertness and mood Animal protein more complete that plant proteins

36 The body only stores a small amount of protein. Therefore, protein should be consumed on a daily basis

37 Americans eat 2-4 times the required amount of protein required daily Excess consumption of protein causes kidneys to overwork Excess consumption of protein can lead to heart attack

38 A person should consume 0.8gr of protein per Kg of body weight 130/2.2=59kg 59kg X 0.8=47gr 47gr X 4cal/gr=188 cal 3oz lean meat 179 cal

39 Vitamins Substance containing compounds Provide growth and maintenance Chemical reactions in the body

40 Water soluble vitamins Vitamins that dissolve in water Body not able to store Must be consumed daily

41 Vegetables should not be boiled vitamins will be lost in the water if boiled

42 Fat soluble vitamins Dissolve in fat Can be stored in the body Contained in meats and oils A,D,E & K A & D toxic if consumed in large quantities

43 Vitamins are an important component for chemical reactions to convert food to energy

44 Minerals Potassium-carries away heat produced by muscular exercise Calcium-hard, strong bones Magnesium- change carbohydrates into energy Iron-needed to carry oxygen (anemia)

45 Water Brain, muscles and body are 75% water No nutrients and no calories Aids in the removal of waste product Lubricates joints Digestion and absorption of food Protection of the fetus

46 Water carries Nutrients Hormones Antibodies Waste products

47 Dehydration Water is needed to cool itself Adults should consume 10 8 oz Strenuous work more water needed

48 Thirst is regulated by salt content in the blood some are diuretics increasing urine excretion

49 Improper Diet Stroke Heart Disease Cancer Diabetes Arteriosclerosis High Blood Pressure High Cholesterol Low fiber High Fat diet High sugar

50 Adequate Diet should consist of: 65% Carbohydrates 20% Fat 10% Saturated Fat 15% Protein 20-30 g Fiber Cholesterol< 300mg Sugar 10% Salt 5 gr/day

51 Diet Excessive Sodium Draws water from the cells hypertension increases blood volume

52 Goals of Good Nutrition Decrease heart rate Increase oxygen intake Increase flexibility Increase strength

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