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“While Google is constantly updating the way we rank, WordPress has forever changed the speed at which we rank” – Alex Miranda.

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Presentation on theme: "“While Google is constantly updating the way we rank, WordPress has forever changed the speed at which we rank” – Alex Miranda."— Presentation transcript:

1 “While Google is constantly updating the way we rank, WordPress has forever changed the speed at which we rank” – Alex Miranda

2 Case Study: How I Optimized A WordPress Website To Rank On The First Page of Google Alex Miranda

3 My Profile SEO Marketing since 1998 Digital Marketing VP at Marknet Group Inc Certified Google Adwords ProfessionalGoogle Adwords WordPress SEO Speaker & Trainer Asst Organizer of Hudson Valley & Westchester WordPress Meetup Group Asst Organizer of Hudson Valley Digital Marketing Meetup Group Executive Chef

4 How Do I Find A Good SEO Pro? Ask Questions - Just because someone talks SEO doesn’t mean they know SEO Email - If you get an Email from an SEO company offering their services, DO NOT REPLY..TRASH IT!! Phone Solicitation – If an SEO company calls you out of the blue, Avoid them. Countries – Using an SEO company from a third world country may be cheap but at the end of the day it will be costly. There are good companies out there.Do your homework Ranking Guarantee – No one can guarantee a #1 ranking on Google. Get References – Ask for multiple references you can call Use LinkedIn – Find them. Check out their recommendations and NOT their endorsements Check for yourself – Check the sites they optimized, Check their rankings. What tactics are they using? Read more tips HEREHERE

5 What Are NOT Search Engines Looking For? Keyword Stuffing - Overuse of keywords on your pages Purchased Links - Buying links will get you nowhere when it comes to SEO Low Quality Links - Make it relevant Poor User Experience - Make it easy for the user to get around Old Content - Does your site have old outdated content? Is your site outdated?

6 Ask Yourself 4 Questions Who are you? Where are you? Why are you searching for this? Who are you trying to reach?

7 Types of Keywords Broad and Popular – Coffee Machines, WordPress (Don’t bother) Niche – Commercial Coffee Machines, WordPress SEO Expert (Not too shabby) Long Tail Keywords – Commercial Coffee Machines Westchester, WordPress SEO Expert NYC (YES!!)

8 Install Plugins Google Analytics for WordPress - Joost De Valk Google XML SiteMaps – Arne Brachhold WP Robots Txt - Christopher Davis SEO Plugin? Depend on what is right for you.

9 Check General Settings Site title URL New York time zone Date format Time format

10 Check Writing Settings Update Services Photo:

11 Add This Ping List

12 Check Reading Settings Make sure Search Engine Visibility is not checked. Edit Robots.txt content

13 Check Discussion Settings

14 URL Structure & Permalinks



17 Content Clear and Simple. Is your homepage digestible in 5 seconds? Engage your reader. Write for visitors first. Do not write for search engines Create a great, seamless user experience Call to action = conversions & leads Keep website fresh and updated Too many ads on homepage will kill you Avoid flash and avoid auto play sounds


19 Targeted Page

20 Title Tags Do not use the same title for every page Create unique title tags for each page. Make sure they are relevant to the page No more than 70 characters and avoid stop word Should contain keywords from content

21 Meta Description Keep it below 165 characters Create unique meta tag descriptions for each page Make sure the keywords match your title tags Meta tags are extremely important in gaining user click-through from search engine result pages

22 Sitemaps HTML Sitemap - HTML Sitemap contains links to all pages within a website. Makes it easier for visitors to find your content. XML Sitemap - Designed for search engines. Makes it easier for search engines to find your content


24 There is so much more to learn… Local SEO Link Building Citations Social Video Want to learn more?

25 Lets Touch Base Email: Twitter: @mralexmiranda Facebook: Google+: Web:

26 * If you liked my presentation, give me a recommendation.

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