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Clear Web Services – Guide To SEO And Web Optimisation.

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Presentation on theme: "Clear Web Services – Guide To SEO And Web Optimisation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clear Web Services – Guide To SEO And Web Optimisation

2 Introduction To Clear Web Services Founded In 2008 Gap In The Market For SEO From 3 Monthly Clients In Year One To 30 Now Web Design Projects Cost Per Click Management Email Marketing Training Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean

3 Who We Are Will Smith Managing Director Web Design / Web Development Joined The Company In 2009 Experienced, Qualified Web Designer Ian Spencer Managing Director SEO / Pay Per Click Founded Clear Web Services Worked In SEO For 8 Years Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean

4 What Is SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) What Is SEO? SEO Stands For Search Engine Optimisation SEO Is About Making Your Site More Search Engine Friendly SEO Increases Traffic SEO Is About Attracting Quality Traffic SEO Is Increasing The Visibility Of Your Website Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean

5 Methods Of SEO? On Page Optimisation Link Building – Directory Links – One Way Links – High Page Rank Links Article Writing / Submission Press Release Writing / Submission Social Bookmarking Forum Posting Blog Posting Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean

6 What Is On Page Optimisation? Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean WWW.WEBSITE.COM Domain Name Coding Navigation Meta Tags Footer Content SiteMap Policies Title And Description Tags Clean Coding And Fluid Throughout Quality, Unique And Relevant Content Privacy Policy, Disclaimers, T&Cs Relevant, Key worded Domain Name 3 Click Rule, Easy To Navigate, Spidering Site Links, (C) Information, Keywords. Both XML and HTML Sitemaps

7 Quick Guide To Link Building Directory Links One Way Links High Page Rank Links Reciprocal Linking Adding your websites to directories and directory lists across the Internet Asking relevant and related sites to link to you, but you do not link back You link to a relevant and related site and they link back to you Finding sites with high page rank and authority and getting a link on them Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean

8 Article Submission Example Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean Write An Article Submit To Directories Instant Traffic Republishing Links Back And Exposure

9 Press Releases Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean Write A Press Release Submit To PR Sites Instant Traffic Republishing Links Back And Exposure

10 Social Bookmarking Example Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean

11 An Example Of Forum Posting Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean

12 An Example Of Blog Commenting Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean

13 What Does SEO Mean For Your Business? Increased Visibility Increased Leads Increased Sales Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean

14 Can Anyone Do SEO? SEO Is About Hard Work SEO Is Not Magic All Web Site Owners Should Be Working On Constant SEO Get The Basics Right First Continual Promotion Of Your Website SEO Agencies / Consultants Can Do The Leg Work Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean

15 Google Results National Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean

16 Google Results Local Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean

17 Is SEO Worth Your Time? Proven SEO Techniques Will Improve Traffic SEO Is Constantly Moving Forward SEO Is Not Just For One Off Blasts White Hat SEO Is Approved And Wanted By The Search Engines SEO = Time And Effort Striking The Balance – DIY Or Paid Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean

18 The Ten Natural Steps To Making Sure Your Website Is Optimised For A Search Engine Step 1 - Structured And Relevant URLs Step 2 - Title Tags Step 3 - Description Tags Step 4 - Navigation Step 5 - Write Unique And Quality Content Step 6 - Use H1, H2 And H3 Tags Step 7 - Avoid Having More Images Than Text Step 8 - Create A Robots.txt File Step 9 - Create Your Sitemap Step 10 - Make Sure You Have A 404 Page Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean


20 Importance Of Good Web Structure / Design For SEO SEO Begins At Home Good Web Design Is Needed For Good SEO Necessary To Build Your Website With SEO In Mind Get It Right From The Start Effective Web Design Does Impact On SEO Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean

21 Old Site

22 Why Make The Change? Poor Navigation Structure Hard To Find Content Expanding Services = Expanding Website More Point Of Contact Features Increased Conversion Rate Reduced Bounce Rate Change Is Good When Done Correctly Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean

23 New Site

24 Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean

25 tits

26 Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean

27 Cost Per Click / Pay Per Click Pay Per Click Is Paying For Targeted Traffic 12% Of People Click On Paid Results £1 In Every £4 Spent In Advertising Was Online In 2010 Instant Traffic And Instant Results Real Time Control Works For ANY Business With A Web Presence Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean

28 What Do The Results Look Like? Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean

29 Why Should Your Business Do It You Can Run A Campaign All Budgets Offers Instant Results Covers The Gap Between Natural Rankings Instant ROI, No Need To Wait And See You Are In Control At All Times Promote What You Want To Promote It Works For The Majority Of Niches Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean

30 How Can Your Business Do It Decide On Your Budget Choose A Selection Of Keywords Build Your Advert Set Up A Campaign Decided Your Bidding Constant Tweaking Required See The Results! Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean

31 Social Media Social Media Is An Instant Communicator Web 2.0 Meant Social Media Became Important Facebook, Twitter, YouTube & Linked In Google Uses Social Media For Ranking 65 Million Tweets A Day / 200 Million Users 600 Million Facebook Users / 50% Login Per Day 700 Billion Videos Watched In 2010 On YouTube Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean

32 A Facebook Page Why? Indexed By Search Engines Builds Brand Awareness Instant Communication Popular Site Respected, Authorative Site Well Known Brand Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean

33 A Twitter Page Why? Indexed By Search Engines Builds Awareness Instant, Short Communication Popular Site Respected, Authorative Site Build Followers Mobile Communications Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean

34 A YouTube Channel Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean

35 Real Time Results Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean

36 Why Work With Social Media? Potential Audience Of Billions Instant Communication Can Work For Most Niches Reputation / Brand Builder It Is Now Expected Time Consuming But Worthwhile Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean

37 How Can You Implement Social Media? Facebook Page / Business Page Twitter Account YouTube Channel Linked In Profile Add To Website Update Frequently And With Quality Build Up Your Followers Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean

38 The Future For SEO Google Instant Google Places Mobile Devices Content Driven Social Media Real Time Results Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean

39 Thank You For Watching! A copy of this presentation, along with our Guides and How To... Series are available to all FSB Members free of charge. Please leave your email address with us before you leave and we will email everything to you tomorrow morning. Thank you for watching. Introduction To SEO And Web Optimisation – A Joint Presentation By Clear Web Services And The FSB Forest Of Dean

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