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Power to the People: The IUB Libraries' Website Digital Asset Management System Doug Ryner, Tadas Paegle, & Julie Hardesty.

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Presentation on theme: "Power to the People: The IUB Libraries' Website Digital Asset Management System Doug Ryner, Tadas Paegle, & Julie Hardesty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Power to the People: The IUB Libraries' Website Digital Asset Management System Doug Ryner, Tadas Paegle, & Julie Hardesty

2 IUB Libraries Website

3 IUB Libraries 16 campus libraries IUCAT Library Catalog (SIRSI Unicorn) 6.5 million items More than 350 subscription databases Over 40,000 electronic journals

4 IUB Libraries Website In 2001… Large website consisting of over 8,000 pages (some internal documents) Decentralized management system Hundreds of separate university server accounts Hundreds of web developers (constantly changing) HTML templates

5 IUB Libraries Web System Previous Structure

6 ~libFind Workflow User interface & site integration Reporting Strengths/weaknesses

7 Needs for Digital Asset Management Flexibility Work with many sources of data Unique workflow Collaborative – distributed management Secure More powerful searching/browsing Usable Needs could not be met by purchased or Third-party solution.

8 Development Timeline May 2001 – hired Web Administrator, assembled team Summer 2001 – reviewed literature, assessed project goals Fall 2001 - defined content, met with stakeholders Spring 2002 - developed sitemap, hired designer, user testing Summer 2002 – developed architecture, developed interface, developed content Fall 2002 – Launched public site

9 IUB Libraries Web System New Structure

10 IUB Libraries Web System Workflow Structure

11 User Interface PHP, html / JavaScript User informed Find information: Custom Search Engine Databases A-Z Databases by Subject Databases by Type Online Full-Text Journals Library, collection or department websites About files & user guides System integration

12 Find Information

13 Metadata for Resources Resource Name Keywords Description Collection Name Alternative Title Vendor Name Coverage Dates Help Info LOC Subject Headings

14 Administrative Interface IUB Libraries Content Manager (CM) “Super Users” can add & delete “Advocates are assigned assets” Advocate/SU login – choose to manage “resources” select asset they are assigned Subject Advocates – assign “resources” to subjects Reporting (resource count, search report, log activity) Library, collection & department “mini-sites” also managed within the cm – most used resources Real-time

15 Find Information

16 Workflow Super users add resource & either “Request Proxy” or “Make Live” If proxy – email request & update form with proxy url; then “make live” Email advocate and others Available via website Advocate/bibliographer metadata Resource is then properly treated within site and available for “recommended resources,” subject categorization, and Google Search Appliance indexing

17 Find Information



20 Advantages Organization Simplicity Consistency Quality control Flexibility Responsiveness Separate content from presentation

21 Disadvantages Perceived loss of creativity Development time and effort

22 Major Obstacles Expertise and resources Communication and education Transition from old to new – staff and end users Training Responding to user feedback while continuing to develop and implement…

23 Current Projects Course Management Twin Peaks Federated Searching Administration in Content Manager SIRSI SingleSearch

24 What is next? ERM – Electronic Resource Management Purchasing databases, licenses Usability Find Information – Subject Access

25 Questions, Comments?

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