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Company LOGO Exploring Email Using TWIG (Webmail) at ACC.

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Presentation on theme: "Company LOGO Exploring Email Using TWIG (Webmail) at ACC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Company LOGO Exploring Email Using TWIG (Webmail) at ACC

2 ACC Email Guidelines  Acceptable Uses:  All use in direct support of the mission of the College.  Vendor communication relevant to official ACCD business.  Communication incidental to otherwise acceptable use

3 ACC Email Guidelines  Unacceptable Uses:  Any use for commercial purposes or political lobbying.  Any use for illegal purposes, or in support of illegal activities.  chain letters  illegal schemes or activities  Communication that could be considered harassing  Anonymous mailings, or mailings which impersonate another individual.

4 Email Etiquette  Do  Be Concise  Avoid “Flames”  Use Asterisks  Use Threads  Avoid Spamming

5 Email Etiquette  Don’t  USE ALL CAPS  Repeat Messages  Overuse email distribution lists

6 Accessing Your Email  Always possible with TWIG  Accessible from any computer connected to the Internet  The address for WebMail is:

7 Logging In  Open the Internet Explorer or Netscape browser.  In the address box type and hit the key.  Click the button for Log in to WebMail.  Enter your ACC email username and password and click the Log In button.

8 Using the Mail Feature  Click the Mail link to check email.

9 Using the Mail Feature  To check mail, click INBOX in the Folders drop-down menu and then click the Go button.

10 INBOX Options  Click on the Subject of the email to read it.  Click on column heading to sort by [date], from or subject.  Click on Refresh to update screen.  Click on Empty Trash to remove email that has been marked for deletion.  Click New Message to compose a new email.

11 Response Options  Click Reply to respond to senderC  Click Reply to all to respond to sender and all other recipients.  Click Forward to send this email to a third party.  Click Delete to mark the email for removal from the server.

12 Response Options  Click New Message to compose a new email.  Click Back to “INBOX” to return to previous screen.

13 Viewing Attachments  Attachments are indicated by an icon of a paperclip on yellow paper  To view an attachment, follow these steps:  Click the subject to open the letter.  Click the name of the attachment.  Choose Open or Save to view the attachment or to save the attachment to your local computer.

14 Importing Outlook Addresses  You will need to export your addresses from Outlook as a "csv" file and save it to your desktop. To export your contacts, follow these steps:  Note which major version of Outlook the Address Book will be imported from: Outlook 2000, Outlook 98, or Outlook Express

15 Importing Outlook Addresses  Open Outlook and choose Export > Address Book from the File menu. The Address Book Export Tool window will open.  Choose Text File (Comma Separated Values) and click the Export button.  Click the Browse button in the Save As box, expand the Save-in list, and choose Desktop as the location to save the Address Book text file.

16 Importing Outlook Addresses  Leave the Save As type Comma Separated Values (*.csv) and type a file name in the File name box. Don’t type.csv at the end of the file name. The.csv extension will automatically be added when you save the file. The Save as box will close and the CSV Export box will be redisplayed.  Click the Next button to continue. The next display lets you check the fields to Export.

17 Importing Outlook Addresses  Check every field on the list. Make sure that every box is checked even if you don’t use every field in the Address Book to insure that all your contact information is correctly imported into TWIG.  Click Finish to finish exporting the Address Book.  Click OK in the box that says the Address Book export process has been completed and click Close on the Address Book Export Tool box.

18 Importing Outlook Addresses  Now you are ready to import your contacts into TWIG. Follow these steps:  Log into TWIG and select Contacts on the TWIG menu.  Click the Import link near the top right corner of the Contacts page.

19 Importing Outlook Addresses  Choose the version of Outlook you exported the Address Book from on the Import from list. If you exported the Address Book from Outlook Express select Outlook Express (all fields) from the list.  Click the Browse button next to the From file box. Find and open the Address Book text file you saved to your desktop.

20 Importing Outlook Addresses  You can select a group to import the Contacts into from the drop down group list, or you can leave the group as unfiled. If you leave the group unfiled, you can move or copy the addresses to a group later.  Click the GO button to finish importing the Outlook Address Book into TWIG.

21 Other TWIG Features  Options  Options allows you to manage some of the more advanced features of TWIG. These include the following:  Groups  Preferences  Groups allows you to manage and optionally share information with others.  Preferences allows you to manage user preferences in a single area.

22 Other TWIG Features  Announcements  This area displays important messages for all users.  Recent Mail  Recent Mail displays the five most recent messages in your inbox. This area can be disabled through the preferences screen if you do not want to see it.  Schedule  This area displays any events you have scheduled for today. This area can be disabled through the preferences screen if you do not want to see it.

23 Resources  Online Documentation  Twig (Webmail) URL  Help Desk 223- HELP

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