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Men’s Health- Prostate and Colorectal Cancer 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Men’s Health- Prostate and Colorectal Cancer 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Men’s Health- Prostate and Colorectal Cancer 2010

2 Cancer Prevention How to reduce cancer risk and prevent cancers Health Education Individuals living health lifestyles Routine screening for early detection Involve the community to promote healthy lifestyles


4 Healthy Lifestyles Maintain a healthy weight Be physically active everyday Don’t smoke Eat healthy foods

5 Don’t Smoke

6 Healthy Lifestyles Limit alcohol consumption Protect yourself from the sun Protect yourself and your partner from sexually transmitted diseases

7 Eat Healthy

8 Men’s Health Cancer Screening Yearly exams over the age of 40 PSA- Prostate Specific Antigen- blood test DRE- Digital Rectal Exam – provider checks the prostate by feeling the gland FOBT- Fecal Occult Blood Test- 3 day take home kit to check stool for blood Cholesterol or Lipid profile-blood test

9 Men’s Health Fasting Blood Sugar – blood test EKG- Electrocardiogram to check heart Vaccinations – update tetanus, influenza STD- Sexually Transmitted Disease

10 Cancer Data Cancer is the second leading cause of death for the Northern Plains American Indians Cancer rates in American Indians are on the increase Patterns of cancer differ in different geographic locations

11 Leading Cancer Sites Northern Plains American Indians Men: 1. Prostate 2. Lung 3. Colon and Rectum

12 Leading Cancer Sites Women: 1. Breast 2. Lung 3. Colon and Rectum

13 Cancer Survival American Indians the lowest five year survival rates of all the US population.

14 Cancer Survival Why: Late detection of cancer Genetic risk factors Other diseases such as diabetes Lack of timely access to state of the art diagnostic treatment

15 Cancer Survival Barriers to care Poverty Transportation Cultural beliefs

16 Cancer Survival Improve Survival by Healthy lifestyles Increasing participation in regular screening and early detection Reducing barriers to care


18 What is Cancer? Cancer refers to more than 100 different diseases that begin in the cells which are the body’s basic unit of life.

19 Tumors Benign or Malignant Benign tumors are NOT cancerous – they do not spread to other parts of the body and are not a threat to life

20 Tumors Malignant tumors are cancer The cells in these tumors grow without control and can invade other parts of the body When cancer cells spread this is called metastasis

21 Cancer Types Five Main Groups Carcinomas- 80 to 90 percent of all cancers- they begin in the skin or tissues that line the internal organs Sarcomas- start in the bones, fat, muscle, joint, nerve, blood vessel or deep skin tissues

22 Cancer Types Lymphomas- cancers that start in the lymph nodes – the tissues of the body’s immune system. Leukemias are cancers of the white blood cells Myelomas are cancers that start in the plasma cells found in the bone marrow

23 Cancer Prevention Risk Factors Conditions that increase the chance that cancer may occur

24 Risk Factors Heredity Genes that are passed from parent to child Lifestyle Some cancers are related to how we live Environment Some cancers are related to where we work and live

25 Risk Factors One third of all cancers diagnosed in 2001 were related to nutrition, physical activity and other lifestyle changes. About 30% of all cancers deaths were related to commercial tobacco use

26 Risk factors Northern Plains American Indians Tobacco use rates are double the rates of the national average of 20.5%

27 Screening Checking for cancer in a person who does not have any symptoms A symptom is a sign that is not right in the body and does not always indicate cancer Someone with cancer may not have any symptoms

28 Men’s Health Days

29 Early Detection The goal of early detection is Discover and stop a cancerous growth before it grows and spreads Be aware of your body

30 Cancer Screening and Early Detection See your provider if you have: Unexplained weight loss Fever Fatigue Pain

31 Cancer Screening and Early Detection See your provider if you have the following: Unusual bleeding or discharge A sore that doesn’t heal Nagging cough or hoarseness

32 Cancer Screening and Early Detection Recent changes in wart or mole Thickening lump or swelling in the breast or any other part of the body Indigestion or difficulty swallowing

33 Screening Tests The following are screening tests for common types of cancers: Colon- FOBT- Fecal Occult Blood Test Colonoscopy, Flexible sigmoidoscopy Prostate- PSA- Prostate Specific Antigen DRE- Digital Rectal Exam Informed Decision Making

34 Screening Tests Breast- Mammogram and clinical breast examination Cervix- pap smear

35 Colon Cancer Screening Guidelines Men and Women over the age of 50 should have one or a combination of : FOBT- yearly Flexible sigmoidoscopy every 5 years Colonoscopy every 10 years

36 The colon

37 Normal Colon

38 Colon Cancer

39 FOBT FOBT is a test that detects invisible blood in the stool. A 3 day take home kit is given Follow the instructions of preparation and collection – there may be certain foods that you can’t eat before collection.

40 FOBT Men and Women should do this test yearly. Kits are given at both the Men’s Health days and Women’s Way days If you see your provider other than the health days– ask them about this test.

41 Flexible Sigmoidoscopy This test is done with a lighted tube by a trained provider This flexible tube looks at the inside of part of your rectum and colon – the lower part of your colon Biopsies or pieces of tissue can be done if the provider feels necessary

42 Colonoscopy This is a long flexible lighted tube that looks at your entire colon. This is done by a trained provider and takes about 30 minutes to 2 hours If polyps are found they can be removed

43 Colonoscopy This procedure is done with a sedative There is a preparation that needs to be done the day prior to clean out the colon This should be done every 10 years

44 Prostate Cancer Screening PSA- Prostate Specific Antigen PSA is a blood test that checks for a protein that can be produced by the prostate gland

45 Prostate Cancer Screening It is normal for men to have a small amount of PSA but when it is a large amount is may be a sign of cancer or another problem Discuss options of screeening with your provider

46 Prostate

47 Prostate Cancer Screening An important part of the prostate cancer screening is the DRE- Digital Rectal Examination The provider feels the prostate with a finger through the rectum to check for lumps and abnormalities of the prostate

48 DRE

49 Barriers to cancer screening Barriers include: Transportation issues Complicated health systems Fear of cancer Lack of knowledge Modesty Communication issues

50 In Summary You now have an understanding of Facts that contribute to poor survival for American Indians Factors that are likely to improve cancer survival for American Indians

51 In Summary You have an understanding of The meaning of the word cancer The difference between benign and malignant The different types of cancer

52 In Summary You now have the understanding of Cancer risk factors How to reduce risks associated with cancer The importance of cancer screening

53 In Summary The different screening tests that are recommended Barriers to cancer screening

54 Questions????

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