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Rooks, 1999 3. Parts of the paragraph Objective: Enable students to write a complete outline of paragraph and a complete paragraph with the correct grammar.

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Presentation on theme: "Rooks, 1999 3. Parts of the paragraph Objective: Enable students to write a complete outline of paragraph and a complete paragraph with the correct grammar."— Presentation transcript:

1 rooks, 1999 3. Parts of the paragraph Objective: Enable students to write a complete outline of paragraph and a complete paragraph with the correct grammar. Materials : A conclusion sentence Language patterns in the paragraph

2 rooks, 1999 Conclusion Sentence Method : Repeat the main ideas of the paragraph in a new way Give the conclusion based on the information on the paragraph

3 rooks, 1999 Language patterns in paragraph Purpose : creating continuous connections between sentences Forms: A. Continuing connectors : 1. Repeated words and phrases 2. Demonstrative adjectives 3. Pronouns

4 rooks, 1999 Language patterns in paragraph Purpose : creating continuous connections between sentences Forms: B. Transition connectors Consequence : therefore, thus Comparison : similarly, in the same way Contrast : but, however, on the other hand Example : for example, for instance Restatement : in other words Addition : in addition Concession : nevertheless Sequence : first, second, third, Summary : in conclusion, to summarize, in summary

5 rooks, 1999 Conclusion A paragraph consists of A topic sentence, Subject development A conclusion sentence A topic sentence consist of General subject Specific parts Subject is developed by: Changing the specific parts into the main points Giving the main point examples, facts or illustrations Conclusion sentence Repeat the main ideas Give a conclusion about the information in the paragraph Language patterns in the paragraph To create continuous connections between sentences Continuing connectors Transition connectors

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