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Collective Behavior, Social Movements, and Social Change

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1 Collective Behavior, Social Movements, and Social Change
Chapter 15

2 Collective Behavior Collective behavior is voluntary, often spontaneous activity that is engaged in by a large number of people and typically violates dominant-group norms and values. Collective behavior can take various forms, including crowds, mobs, riots, panics, fads, fashions, and public opinion.

3 Factors That Contribute to Collective Behavior
Structural factors that increase the chances of people responding in a particular way. Timing. Breakdown in social control mechanisms and corresponding feeling of normlessness.

4 Crowd and Mass Crowd is a relatively large number of people who are in one another’s immediate vicinity. Tend to share an interest Mass is a number of people who share an interest in a specific idea or issue but are not in one another’s immediate vicinity. Politicians

5 Types of Crowd Behavior
Expressive crowds - people releasing emotions with others who experience similar emotions. Funerals, religious services Acting crowds - crowds so intensely focused that they may erupt into violent behavior. All crowds can become acting crowds

6 Types of Crowd Behavior
Casual crowds - people who happen to be in the same place at the same time. Mall, subway Conventional crowds - people who come together for a scheduled event and share a common focus. Sporting events, concerts Protest crowds - crowds that engage in activities intended to achieve political goals. Civil disobedience or acting crowd

7 Acting Crowds Mob…a highly emotional crowd whose members engage in, or are ready to engage in, violence against a specific target. Person, category of people, or property. Riot…violent crowd behavior that is fueled by deep-seated emotions but is not directed at a specific target. Not always a result of anger Panic…a form of crowd behavior that occurs when a large number of people react to a real or perceived threat with strong emotions and self-destructive behavior. People trying to escape from danger

8 Explanations of Crowd Behavior…Why do people act collectively?
Contagion Theory - People are more likely to engage in antisocial behavior in a crowd because they are anonymous and feel invulnerable. Social unrest and circular reaction - the discontent of one person is communicated to another who reflects it back to the first person.

9 Explanations of Crowd Behavior
Convergence theory - focuses on the shared emotions, goals, and beliefs people bring to crowd behavior.  Emergent norm theory - crowds develop their own definition of the situation and establish norms for behavior that fits the occasion.

10 Mass Behavior Mass behavior is behavior that occurs when people (may not be in same area) act in the same way. Results from having common information Rumors Gossip

11 Mass Behavior Mass hysteria…a dispersed panic.
Behavior is that of panic but not everyone is in the same location. A “widespread panic.”

12 Public Opinion and Propaganda
Public Opinion…attitudes and beliefs communicated by ordinary citizens and decision makers. Measured through polls and surveys Propaganda…information provided by groups or individuals that have an interest in furthering their own cause or damaging an opposing one.

13 Social Movements Social movement is an organized group that acts consciously to promote or resist change through collective action. Start at “grassroots” levels Diversity contributes

14 Types of Social Movements
Reform movements seek to improve society by changing an aspect of the social structure. Revolutionary movements seek to bring about a total change in society. Religious movements seek to produce radical change in individuals and typically are based on spiritual or supernatural belief systems.

15 Types of Social Movements
Alternative movements seek limited change in some aspect of people's behavior. Resistance movements seek to prevent or undo change that has already occurred.

16 Stages in Social Movements
Preliminary stage - people begin to become aware of a threatening problem. Coalescence stage - people begin to organize and start making the threat known to the public. Institutionalization stage - organizational structure develops.

17 Social Movement Theories
Relative Deprivation People compare achievements, become discontent and join social movements to get their “fair share”. Resource Mobilization People participate in social movements when the movement has access to key resources.

18 Social Movement Theories
New Social Movement Focus on sources of social movements, including politics, ideology, and culture. Social Construction Theory: Frame Analysis Used to determine how people assign meaning to activities and processes in social movements.

19 Value-Added Theory Conditions required for social movements to develop: People are aware of a problem and engage in collective action. Society cannot meet expectations for taking care of the problem. Spread of a belief of possible solutions to the problem.

20 Value-Added Theory Events reinforce the beliefs.
Mobilization of participants for action. Society allows the movement to take action.

21 Social Change in the Future
The world continues to change …environmentally, politically, and economically. As a result, the world will experience changes in population, technology, and social institutions. It is important to be aware of social elements and how we need to react and adapt in the future to benefit society.

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