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Curriculum & Instruction TLI Grant Staff Fluency 2014-15 Fluency: The Bridge between Word Recognition and Comprehension.

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2 Curriculum & Instruction TLI Grant Staff Fluency 2014-15 Fluency: The Bridge between Word Recognition and Comprehension

3 Overview 2 main identified goals are Fluency and Comprehension BISD Grading Procedures Appendix A-: “ The ability to read with accuracy, and with appropriate rate, expression, and phrasing.” TEA- “the bridge between word recognition and comprehension.”

4 “…learning to read is NOT a NATURAL process…..

5 Reading at a quick pace (appropriate rate) without comprehending = not fluent Reading slowly with comprehension (adequate comprehension) = not fluent Reading Rate Comprehension

6 MONDAY Select passage of the week for COLD Read Assess with one minute readings; mark errors/miscues discretely Ask 2 Questions Who & What happened? Calculate WCPM (subtract errors from total words read = WCPM) 68-7=61WCPM Mark score on Fluency Excel Tracker This is your REPORT CARD SCORE Students work in groups, pairs, independently as teacher assesses on other work (not today’s story)

7 TUESDAY Introduce Rapid Word Recognition Chart Model word and give brief definition Practice chart  Echo reading ~~~~~ Teacher reads aloud passage of the week Not too fast and not too slow. Read it just right so that we can understand what we are reading. 10 min max Teacher asks DOK questions as time permits.

8 Rapid Word Recognition Chart salutationsaffirmativenegativeanglingcaughtreferring caughtnegativeaffirmativereferringanglingsalutations affirmativereferringsalutationsnegativecaughtangling negativecaughtanglingsalutationsreferringaffirmative anglingsalutationscaughtnegativeaffirmativereferring

9 WEDNESDAY 1 Minute Review of Rapid Word Recognition Chart Check for word understanding ~~~~ Teacher guides students as they highlight all punctuation Teacher models reading paying close attention to punctuation/echo or choral read Teacher asks DOK Questions as time permits 10 minutes max

10 THURSDAY 1 Minute Review of Rapid Word Recognition Chart Check for word understanding ~~~~ Teacher guides students as they look at phrasing as they read Students follow as teacher marks pencil swings under words that have been grouped together as in a phrase. Teacher models reading in phrases Allow students to read to each other paying close attention to punctuation and phrasing 14 min max

11 FRIDAY  Reassess student rate - Final Read  Check student weekly progress growth  Praise all efforts great or small  Suggestion: Create Monday – Friday Graphs

12 Middle School Fluency Plan

13 How to Score Fluency Errors include: Mispronunciations -pronounces word incorrectly Substitutions -replaces correct word with different word Omissions -skips a word Reversals -reads adjacent words in the wrong order Hesitations -The student pauses for longer than 3 seconds or takes longer than 3 seconds to sound out a word. In these cases, provide the word and count it as an error.

14 How to Score Fluency Items NOT Considered Errors Insertions -adds word not in text Self-corrections -corrects own errors Repetitions -reads same word over again Loss of place -skips a line or loses place. Redirect to correct place  clock continues If student reads same word throughout incorrectly, count each incorrect word as a separate error.

15 Oral Reading Fluency Goals for 1 st – 12 th Grades

16 Calculating Accuracy Fluency Rate After determining WCPM, divide that number by the total number of words in passage Sample Using 1 st Gr. Total Words in Passage: 62 Student Read: 60 Errors: 1 WCPM (60-1=59) 59 Accuracy (59/62=95%) 95 Sample Using 6 th Gr. Total Words in Passage: 165 Student Read: 155 Errors: 15 WCPM (155-15=140) 140 Accuracy (140/165=84%) 84

17 Accuracy Score for Classroom Use PercentageAccuracy LevelGrade Level Determinant 94-100% INDEPENDENT  Able to read grade level passages independently  On grade level 89-93% INSTRUCTIONAL  Needs help reading grade level passages  Able to read current grade level with assistance 0-88% FRUSTRATIONAL  Unable to read grade level passages  Reading 1-2 grade levels below current grade level Texas Primary Reading Inventory Assessment 2010-2014

18 Six Weeks Fluency Excel Tracker BGE 2013

19 Sample of MS Tracker

20 EFFECT OF DISTRICT FLUENCY INITIATIVE ON 1 ST GRADE NON READERS (NR) TPRIG01 BOY 2013 G01 EOY 2013 G01 BOY 2014 G01 EOY 2014 #Tested /NR School A 161/123161/55145/100145/35 School B 132/89132/30102/60102/16 School C 68/4368/2869/4069/13

21 Information for 2014 2015 No Gains in the 2012/2013 or the 2013/2014TPRI/Tejas Lee Results in Fluency or Comprehension. BISD is suggesting that the Fluency Routine be implemented systematically and with fidelity, every other week – K-5 all students BISD is suggesting that the fluency Routine be implemented systematically and with fidelity, weekly for 6-10 Tier 2 or T3 students Routine Card for Elementary and Secondary Fluency Pamphlet for Elementary and Secondary Weekly Parent Letter Elementary


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