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The English Language 2014 Novi Sad. MODAL VERBS of certainty (in the present) MUST Look at her grey hair! She looks so old. She must be over 50. (MORA.

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Presentation on theme: "The English Language 2014 Novi Sad. MODAL VERBS of certainty (in the present) MUST Look at her grey hair! She looks so old. She must be over 50. (MORA."— Presentation transcript:

1 The English Language 2014 Novi Sad

2 MODAL VERBS of certainty (in the present) MUST Look at her grey hair! She looks so old. She must be over 50. (MORA DA JE...) CANNOT/COULD NOT You have just eaten! You cannot/could not be hungry. (NEMOGUĆE DA JE...)

3 MAY I am saving money for my summer vacation. I may go to Spain. (MOŽDA...) MIGHT John does not have much time these days, but he might come. (MOGUĆE...) MODAL VERBS of possibility (in the present)

4 COULD It is rather cold. It could rain later. (MOGLO BI...) !NB MAY & MIGHT can take negative forms when expressing possibility ( CAN & COULD + NOT express certainty) MODAL VERBS of possibility (in the present)

5 e.g. Anne is as white as a sheet. She may not be very well. (MOŽDA...NE...) Tell him not to wait, because I might not be back on time. (MOGUĆE...NE...) MODAL VERBS of possibility (in the present)

6 MODAL VERBS of certainty (in the past) MUST + HAVE + PAST PARTICIPLE (-ed/3rd Column) You look so exhausted. The exams you took yesterday must have been very difficult. (MORA DA JE BILO...) COULD NOT + HAVE + PAST PARTICIPLE She was in Rome last week. She could not have seen the Eiffel tower there.(NEMOGUĆE DA JE BILO...)

7 MODAL VERBS of possibility (in the past) MAY/MIGHT/COULD + HAVE + PAST PARTICIPLE I usually take my phone in my bag, but I might have left it on my desk last night. (MOGUĆE JE DA JE BILO...) !NB MAY & MIGHT can take negative forms when expressing possibility ( COULD + NOT expresses certainty)

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