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Instructional Technology & Design Office 217-244-4903 or 800-377-1892 Easy A+ Presenting in Blackboard Collaborate 12.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructional Technology & Design Office 217-244-4903 or 800-377-1892 Easy A+ Presenting in Blackboard Collaborate 12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructional Technology & Design Office 217-244-4903 or 800-377-1892 Easy A+ Presenting in Blackboard Collaborate 12

2 AGENDA Audio/Video Slides Whiteboard Application Sharing Web Tour

3 Before you start Always run audio setup wizard

4 Audio/Video

5 Headsets Check out for links

6 Slides Moderator privileges Less is more Importing slides Animation won’t work Image quality diminishes Links don’t work Send ITD your slides ahead of time (at least 24 hrs) To: or Subject line: Course, TA Name, Date of Presentation, Your Name

7 Slide advance Slide selector Follow box Show page explorer Explorer Mode



10 Whiteboard Tools

11 What’s your favorite book?

12 Favorite travel destination?

13 APPLICATION SHARE For Skill Based Demonstration

14 Application sharing App share icon

15 Application sharing Demonstrate applications Entire Desktop or Single Application/Program No sound Yellow rectangle Does not exist for Mac OS Lion and above Move programs or get Grey boxes

16 Keep the application clear!!

17 WEB TOUR For Video, Audio and Interactive Use of the Internet

18 Web Tour Explore websites Does not run simultaneously on participants’ computers Works well for media websites with audio/video (ie YouTube and Vimeo) May need to “Open in Browser”

19 Other Blackboard tools: Breakout Rooms Great for larger class discussions Create rooms in BBC Menu > Tools > Breakout Rooms > Create Breakout Room Must choose to ‘Allow Participants to Move Themselves’ in menu for class to sort selves Send individuals to room by right clicking on their name in Participant window > Send to Breakout Room

20 Breakout Rooms Cont. Chat Archive does not save in rooms Can rename rooms as necessary Return participants to Main Room option Whiteboard can be imported to Main Room

21 More Tools Timer (Lowercase I at the top right of the Whiteboard Window) Send Announcement to all Rooms: Tools > Chat > Send Announcement Polling: Tools > Polling

22 QUESTIONS? Questions? Contact us at Thanks for taking your time to come to our workshop! Blackboard Presentation Tutorial: GSLIS Drop In Room for more practice: Best Practices: PLEASE LEAVE US FEEDBACK: FOR MORE INFORMATION

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