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Presentation on theme: "1.BEFORE SESSION BEGINS: RUN AUDIO SETUP WIZARD Tools Menu > Audio > Audio Setup Wizard CLICK TALK BUTTON AT UPPPER-LEFT TO TEST TALKING. 2.If you do not."— Presentation transcript:

1 1.BEFORE SESSION BEGINS: RUN AUDIO SETUP WIZARD Tools Menu > Audio > Audio Setup Wizard CLICK TALK BUTTON AT UPPPER-LEFT TO TEST TALKING. 2.If you do not have a headset: Use a microphone and headphones or ear buds 3. If no headphone or ear buds: Go to Tools > Audio > Speaker Settings > Check box “Mute speakers when Talk is pressed” 4.If no microphone or audio problems use teleconference: 1-866-717-7547 enter PIN 72620830 then press # Welcome! Moderator: Liane Taylor 1

2 A microphone appears next to your name when you click TALK. Click again to mute. Please mute until moderator tests your audio 2 Testing Audio

3 Audio Trouble Workarounds Use the phone and participate via teleconference 1-866-717-7547 enter PIN: 72620830 and press # Go to Tools > Audio > Speaker Settings > Check Box Mute speakers when “Talk” is pressed” Use CHAT rather than TALK whenever possible. Keep microphones on mute when not speaking 3

4 Audio headsets Eliminates echo and background noise Headphones or ear buds with USB microphones Reduces echo may pick up background noise-- some microphones have echo-cancelling technology 4 Recommended Devices

5 Blackboard Collaborate: The Basics 1.Click to talk. PLEASE CLICK AGAIN TO DE-ACTIVATE WHEN FINISHED TALKING. 2.Click to insert emoticon under your name, including approval/disapproval, applause, request to speed up/slow down…These will disappear after 2-3 seconds. 3.Away: Click if you need to step away 4.Click to raise hand, if you have a question or have not had a chance to speak 5.Click to respond to poll 6.Tools to interact with the whiteboard 7.Chat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

6 Today’s Agenda 1.Scheduling a session :: getting it confirmed 2.The Layout :: finding your way around 3.Before the Session Begins :: successful setup 4.During the Session :: making it work

7 Scheduling a Session Getting it confirmed

8 Scheduling a session Each RUSA section has a scheduler; RUSA-level committees also have a scheduler (RUSA Collaborate Scheduling Team) Each room holds 100 attendees; teleconference line holds 20 callers Instructions for scheduling available on the RUSA website.

9 Confirming a session When your session is confirmed, you will receive an email with: Moderator URL (for you) Attendees URL (give to attendees) Teleconference number (give to attendees) URL to access recording (for you) o Available about 10 minutes after session o Click on that URL to access a list of recordings for that room o Find your date/time o Copy the URL for your particular recording to send to your attendees

10 The Layout Finding your way around

11 Page Layout

12 Options Menus Look for Options Menus at the upper right of panels Many functions and tools are in these menus


14 Moderator Setup Steps MODERATORS SHOULD LOG IN 15-20 MINUTES EARLY & DO THE FOLLOWING: 1.Run Audio Wizard 2.Start teleconference 3.Load Content (setup instructions, presentation) 4.Have your web page workaround ready Remember: You have 30 minutes to set up, 30 minutes to shut down. These times are built into the schedule.

15 1. Run Audio Wizard

16 Under menu for Audio/Visual “Connect Session to Teleconference” 2. Start Teleconference Phone line displays as a participant with special icon




20 Click on the blue telephone icon at the top left to see the teleconference instructions.

21 Teleconferencing Callers DO NOT click TALK, whatever they say is heard by default If there is still feedback, ask them to MUTE their phone. o Moderator can disable the audio but it affects all teleconference users Participants Panel -> Options Menu -> Audio No loss of functionality as long as the caller is logged into Collaborate o Can be heard, can hear, and are recorded o Can interact with Collaborate using whiteboard, chat, etc. o Can be moderators 21

22 “Load Content” is best used for PowerPoint PowerPoint slides are flattened and the links to web content will not work (there are workarounds) “Load Content” cannot be used for Word documents (there are workarounds) 3. Load Your Content

23 Loading a PowerPoint PowerPoint program will need to be closed Click Load Content button at upper right When you select the file to be opened, PowerPoint will open and it will appear as if your content is disappearing. Don’t worry. It’s not. It’s a nifty spectacle, though. When file is loaded, it has been flattened into an image, so no links will be active. Workaround will be presented! You can close the Page Explorer that opens. Loading Power Point

24 After you load a PPT to the whiteboard, the Page Explorer appears. You can use this to re-order, delete slides, or select slides to view. You can close it and re-open it at any time. Once you close it, it will appear in the upper left.

25 Links to Webpages in PPT Both Blackboard Collaborate AND Adobe Connect flatten PPTs, so links are not active Workarounds: o Have a Word document open with URLs, paste in Web Tour when needed o Use Application Sharing – Share Desktop instead of loading PPT NOTE: Participants will have less interactive capability o With Web Tour, they can independently tour webpages, until you bring them back (“Follow Me”)

26 Check “Follow Me” to have participants always see the slides in the order you wish Navigating Power Point


28 4. Web Page Workaround Both Blackboard Collaborate AND Adobe Connect flatten PPTs, so links are not active Workarounds: o Have a Word document open with URLs, paste in Web Tour when needed o Use Application Sharing – Share Desktop instead of loading PPT YOU SHOULD USE APPLICATION SHARING IF YOU WANT TO VIEW NON- PUBLIC ALA CONNECT PAGES

29 Example Word doc with URLs for session

30 DURING THE SESSION Making it Work

31 First steps… 1.Help your attendees 2.Start Recording

32 1. Help Your Attendees 1.Have a default slide instructing participants to run audio setup wizard and showing teleconference #. 2.Test each participant’s audio as feasible, preferably as they enter room. 3. DO NOT SPEND MORE THAN 5 MINUTES ON AUDIO ISSUES. 4.Give a brief overview of Collaborate and a chance to interact with whiteboard.

33 Prompt appears when moderator logs in; can X out Start when ready by clicking Record in upper right Click again to pause Recording ends when the program is exited but will continue if moderator logs back in within 5 minutes URL to the recording of the session will be available after (URL in your confirmation email) 2. Start Recording

34 In-Session Tips 1.Keep an eye on indicators! 2.Know how to change permissions globally and at the individual level. 3.Use the whiteboard effectively for interactivity. 4.Understand your polling options. 5.Know how to lower hands. 6.Know when to use Web Tour to view webpages and Application Sharing to share your desktop. 7.Know the steps for ending the session.

35 Keep an eye on indicators

36 Changing Permissions You can change all participants permissions by clicking on any of the icons next to Main Room in the Participants Panel (audio; camera; chat; whiteboard; share application; web tour) You can also change each participant’s permissions by hovering over their name and clicking on the menu. You may want to have a Co-Moderator! NOTE: A maximum of 6 people can TALK via HEADSET at ONCE.

37 Tools for collaborative notes, pointing and other effects. …then click arrow to reset cursor and be able to edit the text box Whiteboard

38 PROS CONS Using the Whiteboard

39 Polling/Lowering Hands Set the polling type Lock Responses: If you don't want to accept any more responses or don't wish them changed Visible/Not visible Publish to whiteboard

40 Web Tour View websites together PREFERRED FOR VIEWING YOUTUBE VIDEOS View PUBLIC ALA Connect documents Share Google docs (best when made public) Useful for showing URLs from a PowerPoint

41 * “Follow Me” Whatever links the moderator chooses is what participants will see Open URL in Browser Web page is “pushed” in the default browser of participants and not shared with the group Web Tour Links


43 Application Sharing Use when: You want participants to view content on your computer (Word, Excel, etc.) You need your participants to view restricted content (ALA Connect) You have a PowerPoint with links and you don’t want to switch between the PowerPoint in whiteboard and Web Tour You want to have a participant co-edit a document

44 Do not use Sharing when… You want to view an online video. Too much lag when trying to broadcast a video on your computer via application sharing. Use Web Tour instead.

45 1.Click on the icon to “Begin Sharing” 2.Select “Share Desktop” 3.Yellow frame appears—anything within yellow frame is shared 4.Resize yellow frame to focus on content to be shared and move the Audio Visual panel outside of frame using black guides at center of frames Begin Application Sharing


47 Always check in with your participants, to make sure they can see what you want them to see! You may need to make your text larger on your screen!

48 Click “Stop Sharing” on menu Or use the button in yellow frame Or from menu bar: Tools > Application Sharing > Stop Sharing Stop Application Sharing


50 Application Sharing to Co-Edit You may have a need to co-edit a document with another participant. 1.Share the application in Application Sharing 2.Access Collaborate Participants panel. 3.Click on participant. Go to Tools > Application Sharing > Give Control of Shared Applications 1 2

51 Ending the Session End recording by clicking the RECORDING button (it’s OK if you forget) Save chat (File -> Save -> Chat) Save whiteboard as PDF if desired; selected or all (File -> Save -> Whiteboard) Disconnect the teleconference

52 Practice, Practice, Practice Practice before your meeting! Request time for an independent practice session or a supported practice session Instructions for requesting practice time at: Resources for Moderators (recorded sessions, screencasts, tips, links to Blackboard training documentation) available on RUSA website


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