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World War I Review. militarism the belief that a nation needs a large military.

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1 World War I Review

2 militarism the belief that a nation needs a large military

3 John J. Pershing the leader of the American Expeditionary Force

4 war bonds a low interest loan by civilians to the government, meant to be paid in a number of years

5 League of Nations an organization set up after World War I to settle international disputes

6 Why did Germany resent the Treaty of Versailles? Germany resented the Treaty of Versailles because it forced Germany to accept blame for the war and demanded they pay reparations.

7 Central Powers an alliance of Austria-Hungary, Germany, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria during World War I

8 propaganda an opinion expressed for the purpose of influencing the actions of others

9 American Expeditionary Force the name given to the U.S. forces when they went to Europe during World War I. President Wilson insisted they not become a separate unit not part of the French or British combat units

10 Fourteen Points President Woodrow Wilson’s goals for peace after World War I

11 trench warfare a kind of warfare during World War I in which troops huddled at the bottom of trenches and fired artillery and machine guns at each other

12 What were the long term causes of World War I? The long term causes of World War I were: imperialism, nationalism, militarism and alliances.

13 Great Migration the movement of African Americans between 1910 and 1920 to northern cities from the South

14 armistice An end to fighting

15 convoy system a heavy guard of destroyers that escorts merchant ships during wartime

16 Treaty of Versailles a 1919 treaty that ended World War I

17 Allies an alliance of Serbia, Russia, France, Great Britain, Italy, and seven other countries during World War I

18 Second Battle of the Marne a 1918 battle during World War I that marked the turning point in the war; Allied troops along with Americans halted the German advance into France

19 What were two ways the U.S. Navy countered the u-boat threat? The U.S. Navy countered the u-boat attacks by using the convoy system and laid mines in the North Atlantic.

20 Czar Nicolas II The Russian leader during WWI who was overthrown by the Bolsheviks.

21 U-boat German submarine; unterseeboot

22 reparations money a defeated nation pays for the destruction caused by a war

23 Alvin York a sergeant who attacked German machine gunners, killing 25 of them and capturing 132 others

24 Woodrow Wilson President of the U.S. during World War I; he “kept us out of the war” until Germany sunk the Lusitania and sent the Zimmerman telegram to Mexico

25 What were three ways American families could contribute to the war effort? Three ways American families could contribute to the war effort were by purchasing war bonds, planting victory gardens, and sewing clothes for soldiers

26 Red Scare in 1919-1920, a wave of panic from a fear of a communist revolution

27 neutrality refusing to take sides in a war Gray

28 Zimmerman telegram a message sent in 1917 by the German foreign minister to the German ambassador in Mexico, proposing a German- Mexican alliance and promising to help Mexico regain Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona if the United States entered the war

29 Why was Russia’s withdraw from the war in 1917 a blow to the Allies? Russia’s withdrawal from the war was a blow to the Allies because it allowed Germany to send more of their soldiers to the Western Front.

30 Palmer Raids in 1920, federal agents and police raided homes of suspected radicals

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