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SSR: READ UNTIL 9:05AM. Entry Slip – 9/17 What does nature vs. nurture mean when it comes to our development and personality? How can this theory play.

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Presentation on theme: "SSR: READ UNTIL 9:05AM. Entry Slip – 9/17 What does nature vs. nurture mean when it comes to our development and personality? How can this theory play."— Presentation transcript:


2 Entry Slip – 9/17 What does nature vs. nurture mean when it comes to our development and personality? How can this theory play a role in the development and well-being of our mental health?

3 Entry Slip – 9/23 1. Locate your Mental Illness Chart. 2. In your entry slip section, write today’s learning target: I describe the effect of mental illness on the individual, family, and community.

4 MENTAL HEALTH: MENTAL ILLNESS LT: I can explain how mental illness impacts the individual, family, and community.

5 Mental Illness: Definition an illness of the mind that can affect thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of a person; preventing him or her from leading a happy, healthful and productive life. Mental Illness (disorder): an illness of the mind that can affect thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of a person; preventing him or her from leading a happy, healthful and productive life. Causes of mental illness include: Organic causes: physical injuries or illnesses that effect the brain (stroke, traumatic head injury, brain tumors, alcoholism). Environmental conditions: stress, poor coping skills, traumatic experiences. Genetics

6 Mental Illness: Classifications There are six different classifications of mental disorders: Affective Anxiety Dissociative Personality Somatoform Schizophrenia

7 Affective Disorders Description: Description: a disorder involving extreme moods; the causes of affective disorders is unknown, but they tend to run in families. mood disorders. Commonly known as mood disorders. Characteristics: Characteristics: prolonged sadness Anxiety lack of energy lack of interest in activities changes in mood, sleeping and eating habits suicidal thoughts Examples: Examples: Depression: characterized by feelings of extreme sadness and hopelessness Depression: characterized by feelings of extreme sadness and hopelessness Anxiety: social anxiety, PTSD, panic disorder, generalized anxiety. Anxiety: social anxiety, PTSD, panic disorder, generalized anxiety. Bipolar Disorder: Bipolar disorder means having periods of depression, and periods of mania. Mania is when you feel extremely positive and active Bipolar Disorder: Bipolar disorder means having periods of depression, and periods of mania. Mania is when you feel extremely positive and active

8 Anxiety Disorders Description: Description: real or imagined fears prevent a person from enjoying real life. Characteristics: Characteristics: Panic attacks Increased heart rate Sweating Shakiness Shortness of breath Fear of dying Restlessness Examples: Examples: (Fear of Pickles) (Fear of Pickles) Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Generalized Anxiety Disorder: prolonged worry, fear, tenseness. PTSD: PTSD: aftereffects of a past effect keep a person from living a normal way. Phobia: Phobia: extreme fear of certain objects, situations, or people. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): urgent need to repeat a thought or action.

9 Dissociative Disorder Description: Description: a disorder in which a person has memory loss, confused identity, or more than one identity. Characteristics: Characteristics: More than one personality or identity Memory loss Unexplained/unplanned travel Examples: Examples: Multiple Personality Disorder (Dissociative Personality Disorder: rare mental disorder in which two or more personalities coexist. Amnesia: the inability to recall past experiences.

10 Personality Disorders Description: Description: a person’s patterns of thinking, feeling, and acting interfere with daily living. Characteristics: Characteristics: Outbursts Lack of interest in activities Hostility Unjustified thought or feeling that others will betray or hurt them Hallucinations, Delusions Examples: Examples: Antisocial personality disorder: Antisocial personality disorder: patterns of behavior that conflict with society; doesn’t socialize with others. Avoidant personality disorder: Avoidant personality disorder: avoids all social contact. Dependent personality disorder: Dependent personality disorder: cannot function without the advice and help of others. Histrionic personality disorder: Histrionic personality disorder: emotional outbursts and constantly draws attention to themselves. Narcissistic personality disorder: Narcissistic personality disorder: boastful, conceited, and inconsiderate of others. Passive-aggressive personality disorder: Passive-aggressive personality disorder: uses overly compliant behavior to mask anger or resentment.

11 Somatoform Disorders Description: Description: symptoms of disease for which no physical cause can be found. Characteristics: Characteristics: Extreme worry and fear of illness Constant, unexplained aches and pains. Loss of vision, hearing, sensation Examples: Examples: Hypochondria: Hypochondria: constantly worried about illness. Conversion disorder:. Conversion disorder: experiences sudden health changes as a result of an emotional state.

12 Schizophrenia Description: Description: disorder in which there is a split or breakdown in logical thought processes. Characteristics: Characteristics: Hallucinations Delusions Unusual behaviors (talking to oneself or others who aren’t there). Confused, inappropriate emotions and behaviors Withdrawn Examples: Examples: Paranoid schizophrenia: Paranoid schizophrenia: Individuals believe they are being persecuted or perpetuated by others. Perceive themselves as unusually great.

13 Addiction Description: Description: a compulsive behavior to repeatedly take or use a substance, or engage in a specific behavior. Characteristics: Characteristics: Compulsive behaviors Focus & obsession with substance or specific behavior Feeling bad about oneself after use or performance of specific behavior. Examples: Examples: Drug addiction Exercise addition Eating disorders Gambling addiction Perfectionism Relationship Addiction Sexual Addiction Shopping Addiction Television Addiction Workaholism

14 Treatments for Mental Illness Many mental conditions can be effectively treated with one or a combination of the following therapies: Medication. Medication. Psychotherapy. Psychotherapy. Group therapy. Group therapy. Day treatment or partial hospital treatment. Day treatment or partial hospital treatment. Specific therapies, such as cognitive-behavior therapy and behavior modification. Specific therapies, such as cognitive-behavior therapy and behavior modification.

15 A Beautiful Mind Watch A Beautiful Mind. Follow the Video Guide Pay attention to the application of the learning target: I describe the effect of mental illness on the individual, family, and community.

16 Activity 1. As a foreshadow for tomorrow, complete the reading on depression. 2. Take notes in your notebook on: Causes Risks Treatment and, Coping Mechanisms

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