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Reflexive Verbs They are reflective.

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1 Reflexive Verbs They are reflective

2 Reflexive verbs What do you mean reflexive?
They are reflexive because the doer (subject) is the receiver of the action (verb). More commonly they are things that one does to themselves.

3 Reflexive Verbs They all look the same when they are not conjugated because they will have “se” attached to the end of the verb. Ex: acostarse, dormirse, levantarse, llamarse

4 Reflexive Pronouns The use of reflexive verbs requires the use of reflexive pronouns. Subject Pronoun Reflexive Pronoun Subject Pronoun Yo Me (myself) Nosotros Nos (ourselves) Te (yourself) Vosotros Os (yourselves) Él, ella, usted Se (himself, herself, yourself) Ellos, ellas, Ustedes Se (themselves, yourselves)

5 Example Lavarse = to wash (one’s self) Me lavé I wash myself
Nos lavamos We wash ourselves Te lavaste You wash yourself Os lavasteis You all wash yourselves Se lavó He, she, you wash youself Se lavaron They wash themselves, You all wash yourselves

6 Example Secarse= to dry (one’s self) Me sequé I dried myself
Nos secamos We dried ourselves Te secaste You dried yourself Os secasteis You all dried yourselves (Spain) Se secó He, she, you dried herself/himself/ your(formal)self Se secaron They dried themselves, You all dried yourselves

7 Example Ponerse-to put on Me puse I put on myself Nos pusimos
We put on ourselves Te pusiste You put on yourself Os pusisteis You all dput on yourselves (Spain) Se puso He, she, you put on herself/himself/ your(formal)self Se pusieron They put on themselves, You all dried yourselves

8 Nonreflexive vs Reflexive
Verbs have different meanings when they are reflexive vs when they aren’t. Nonreflexive Reflexive Acostar = to put to bed Acostarse = to go to bed Dormir = to sleep Dormirse = to fall asleep Enfermar = to make sick Enfermarse = to become sick Ir = to go Irse = to go away, to leave Levantar = to lift Levantarse = to get up Poner = to put, to place Ponerse = to put on Vestir = to dress Vestirse = to get dressed Llamar = to call Llamarse = to be called

9 Reflexive Verb Common Uses
Commonly used with verbs that describe our daily routine. Despertarse (e-ie) = to wake up Peinarse = to brush, comb (hair) Levantarse = to get up Dormirse (o-ue) = to fall asleep Ducharse = to shower Acostarse (o-ue) = to go to bed Bañarse = to bathe Comerse = to feed (one’s self) Secarse = to dry Ponerse = to put on (clothing) Afeitarse = to shave Quitarse = to take off (clothing) Maquillarse = to put on makeup Vestirse = to get dressed Lavarse los dientes = to brush teeth

10 Using the list write out your daily routine on a separate sheet of paper.
You should have at least 8 steps. Despertarse (e-ie) = to wake up Peinarse = to brush, comb (hair) Levantarse = to get up Dormirse (o-ue) = to fall asleep Ducharse = to shower Acostarse (o-ue) = to go to bed Bañarse = to bathe Comerse = to feed (one’s self) Secarse = to dry Ponerse = to put on (clothing) Afeitarse = to shave Quitarse = to take off (clothing) Maquillarse = to put on makeup Vestirse = to get dressed Lavarse los dientes = to brush teeth

11 PE 13/2 Write three questions for a friend about their weekend. Use the vocab from your chapter 1 organizer. (grab a book from the cupboard) (use the tu form of the preterite to ask questions) ¿Manejaste un borce de espacio?-did you drive a spaceship? Agenda Chat Sculpture gallery Tarea

12 Write what you found out about two people. .
Sra. Ruiz fue de compras.

13 Turn in your sculpture galeria notes, complete act 1 and 7 from worksheet on counter.
TAREA **Homework quiz Wednesday ¿Cómo son tus amigos? Mis amigos son….(use three adjectives) ¿Qué les gusta hacer tus amigos? a mis amigos les gusta ( use two activities and two nouns/things) Vocab quiz Thursday

14 "Cupido a flechado tu corazon" Cupid has reached your heart "Quieres ser mi valentin?" Do you want to be my valentine? "Eres irresisible" you're irresistible "Feliz dia de amor y amistad!!!" Happy Valentines Day!!! Sé mi amor

15 TAREA ¿Qué te hiciste esta mañana?
Use 7 reflexive verbs to describe how you got yourself ready

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