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Spanish 2A A reflexive verb is used when the subject and the object are the same. The subject is the person doing the action The object to the person/thing.

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2 Spanish 2A

3 A reflexive verb is used when the subject and the object are the same. The subject is the person doing the action The object to the person/thing to whom the action is being done.

4 I wash myself –S–Subject: I –O–Object: myself I wash the car –S–Subject: I –O–Object: the car

5 Reflexive pronoun se at the end of the verb It gets changed to match the object The reflexive pronoun is normally positioned in front of the conjugated verb! Verb After we have moved the reflexive pronoun in front of the verb, we can conjugate the verb as we usually do! me = myselfnos = ourselves te = yourselfos = yourselves se = himself, herself, yourself (formal) se = themselves, yourselves (uds.)

6 Lavarse (to wash oneself) Lets say we want to write, You wash your face lav se Tú tear as la cara

7 Yo me lavo I wash myself Nosotros nos lavamos We wash ourselves Tú te lavas You wash yourself Vosotros os laváis Yall wash yourselves Él se lava – He washes himself Ella se lava – She washes herself Usted se lava You (formal) wash yourself Ellos se lavan They wash themselves Ustedes se lavan You all wash yourselves

8 Despertarse – to wake up e ie Levantarse – to get up Lavarse la cara – to wash your face Cepillarse los dientes – to brush your teeth Ducharse – to shower Bañarse – to bathe Afeitarse – to shave Maquillarse – to put on make-up Vestirse – to get dressed e i Peinarse – to comb your hair

9 REMEMBER: WE NEVER PUT 2 CONJUGATED VERBS NEXT TO EACH OTHER!!! This applies to reflexive verbs, too! When a reflexive verb is in the infinitive form, we still change the reflexive pronoun to match the object…. but the reflexive pronoun goes at the END of the verb! Yo necesitoduchar Un ejemplo: se. I need to shower (myself). me.

10 Afeitarse (to shave) Lets say we want to write, The boys shave (themselves). Los chicosafeit ar se an

11 Despertarse (to wake up) e ie Lets say we want to write, She wakes (herself) up. Ella desp e rt ar se ie a

12 Use another students cartoon sheet from yesterday. On the back, ask and answer the SAME questions BUT… Use the you all form to ask and the we form to answer Make your drawings better than your partners!!!!!

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