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STI’s are diseases and infections which are capable of being spread from person to person through: sexual intercoursesexual intercourse oral-genital contact.

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Presentation on theme: "STI’s are diseases and infections which are capable of being spread from person to person through: sexual intercoursesexual intercourse oral-genital contact."— Presentation transcript:


2 STI’s are diseases and infections which are capable of being spread from person to person through: sexual intercoursesexual intercourse oral-genital contact or in non-sexual ways.oral-genital contact or in non-sexual ways. IV drugIV drug

3 Symptoms What are the symptoms? How would I know if I have been infected?  Sores (either painful or painless)  Blood in urine  Burning sensation when urinating  Rashes  Itching  Bumps  Warts  Unusual discharge

4 How well do you know the 63 people you had sex with last night?

5 MYTHS OF STDs True or False 1. Most people with an STD experience painful symptoms. 2. Birth control pills prevent the spread of STDs. 3. Douching will cure and STD. 4. Abstinence is the best way to prevent STDs. 5. If you get an STD once, and are treated, you can’t get it again. 6. A person does not need to see a doctor if she/he notices sores on his/her genitals once, but then they go away. 7. Condoms help prevent the spread of STDs


7 Chlamydia Pathogen- (Bacterial) can cure Symptoms   Watery or milky discharge   Burning when urinating   Pain or swelling of the testicles   Bleeding/spotting between periods   Bleeding or pain during or after sex   Lower abdominal pain   Pelvic inflammatory disease

8 Pregnancy Complications: Preterm delivery Can spread to baby Causes eye infections

9 Gonorrhea Pathogen- (bacteria) can cure Symptoms   Burning/pain when urinating   White/yellow/ green discharge   PID

10 Pregnancy Complications Can lead to sterilization Can be passed to unborn baby cause blindness

11 Syphilis Pathogen-(Bacterial) Can cure Symptoms  Primary Stage-  Single sore  Secondary Stage-  Rash/ group of sores  Late/ latent stages  Damage to internal organs  Brain, nerves, eyes, heart, blood vessels, liver, bones, joints  Can lead to death

12 Pregnancy Complications: Baby can be infected If not treated soon after birth Brain Damage Blindness Death

13 Bacterial Vaginitis (BV) Pathogen- (Bacterial) can cure SYMPTOMS: abnormal vaginal discharge Strong fish-like odor after intercourse stronger odor Discharge-white or gray; it can be thin. Pregnancy Complications preterm delivery. BV can increase a woman's susceptibility to other STDS such as HIV, Herpes, Chlamydia, and Gonorrhea. BV is associated with an imbalance in the bacteria that are normally found in a woman's vagina. Any woman can get BV. However, some activities or behaviors can upset the normal balance of bacteria in the vagina and put women at increased risk including: Having a new sex partner or multiple sex partners BV can increase a woman's susceptibility to other STDS such as HIV, Herpes, Chlamydia, and Gonorrhea.

14 Yeast Infection (Vaginitis) Pathogen- (Yeast Fungus) Can cure SYMPTOMS:  A thick cheesy vaginal discharge  Severe itching  Men may have a itchy rash Pregnancy complications:  NONE Yeast fungus that may or may not be transmitted by sexual intercourse. Caused by high doses of antibiotics. It is usually caused by altering the Ph of the vagina.

15 Genital Herpes Pathogen (Virus) Treat only Symptoms Same for males and female   Tingling or itching of the skin around the genitals   One or a group of painful, watery blisters   in or around the genitals, or wherever there is skin to skin contact (hips, nipples, anus)   These blisters break and form open sores that crust or scab lasting 7-21 days   Symptoms that start 2-21 days after contact   Outbreaks of herpes that vary and can return as often as every month or as rarely as once a year or longer   Stress, illness, diet, fever, sun exposure, your period, pregnancy or vigorous sex may cause outbreaks

16 Herpes Pregnancy complication Can pass to baby during childbirth

17 Genital Warts (HPV) Pathogen(Virus) treat only Symptoms   Warts   round, flat or raised   cauliflower-like   flesh/grey colored   Warts can be single or in clusters   Warts can be found in and around the genital area.  Warts do not cause cancer  Different strand

18 Pregnancy complications Rarely passed to baby during child birth

19 Trichomoniasis Pathogen (protazoa/parastite) can cure   Trichomoniasis is considered the most common curable STD. In the United States, an estimated 3.7 million people have the infection SYMPTOMS: itching or irritation burning after urination or ejaculation redness or soreness of the genitals thin discharge Can be clear, white, yellow, or green unusual smell

20 Trichomoniasis Pregnancy Complications o preterm delivery o low birth weight o less than 5.5 pounds

21 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) Pathogen (bacteria) can cure SYMPTOMS: lower abdominal pain Fever unusual vaginal discharge that may have a foul odor painful intercourse painful urination irregular menstrual bleeding Pregnancy Complications Infertility ectopic pregnancy chronic pelvic pain. PID occurs when bacteria move upward from a woman's vagina or cervix (opening to the uterus) into her reproductive organs. Many different organisms can cause PID, but many cases are associated with gonorrhea and chlamydia, two very common bacterial STDs.

22 Review  With First Partner  Sign their name to your card  Discuss some names and characteristics of common STI’s  With Second Partner  Sign their name to your card  Discuss reasons people do not protect themselves from STI’s  With Third Partner  Sign their name to your card  Discuss how people can protect themselves from STI’s

23 Results  The person with the letter “D” on the back of your card stand up!

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