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Renaissance Politics The Tudors and beyond. Henry VII Henry Tudor took the throne in 1485 He had two sons, Arthur (b 1486) and Henry (b 1491) Arranged.

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Presentation on theme: "Renaissance Politics The Tudors and beyond. Henry VII Henry Tudor took the throne in 1485 He had two sons, Arthur (b 1486) and Henry (b 1491) Arranged."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renaissance Politics The Tudors and beyond

2 Henry VII Henry Tudor took the throne in 1485 He had two sons, Arthur (b 1486) and Henry (b 1491) Arranged for Arthur to marry Catherine of Aragon (Spain) Question? Why would he do this?

3 Henry VII cont’ Arthur died very soon after the marriage Henry 7 then has Pope annul the marriage so that his other son can marry Catherine and sustain the alliance

4 The King dies After the death of Henry 7, his younger son Henry VIII takes the throne (1509) (Remember, this is the one who married his dead brother’s wife) Henry and Catherine are good Catholics and reign together for many years They have a daughter, Mary, born 1516

5 Henry VIII In 1517, Martin Luther publicly challenges the Catholic Church with his 95 thesis This creates a schism in the church, and a group known as the Protestants split off (Get it, PROTESTant)

6 Henry has problems Henry and Catherine failed to produce a male heir (actually, Henry does not see himself as part of the problem and accuses HER of not being able to) BIG PROBLEM! He cannot get divorced according to the Catholic Church So……

7 It’s good to be king! …he starts his own church in 1534 Called “The Church of England” Also known as the ANGLICAN church Question: Why Anglican?

8 Now it gets complicated Henry divorces Catherine and has her “put away” (Mary grows up Catholic like her mother) Marries Anne Boleyn Has a daughter, Elizabeth, born 1533 No good because she isn’t a boy Henry accuses Anne of adultery and has her beheaded Elizabeth grows up Anglican like her mother

9 Next victim…I mean wife Jane Seymour, married 1536 Produces an heir, Edward, born 1537 Dies soon after from complications of childbirth

10 Wife #4 Marries the German, Anne of Cleves, 1540 No children Has marriage annulled (1540) and has her put away

11 Wife #5 Marries the 19 year old young Catherine Howard (1540) Accuses her of adultery and has her beheaded 1542

12 Last but not least… Marries Catherine Parr, 1543 No children He dies, 1547

13 Summary of 6 marriages: Divorced, beheaded, died Divorced, beheaded, survived 1 male heir 2 females

14 Edward Edward (age 16) is declared King of England He is too young to rule alone, so advisors rule for him He dies of a consumptive disease in 1553 Question:Now what?

15 Chaos… then Mary After a brief attempt by advisors to put Lady Jane Grey on the throne, Catherine and Henry’s Catholic daughter Mary takes the throne (1554-1558) Now, the country officially reverts to Catholicism Bloody Mary earns her nicknames by having Protestants executed for not following Catholic principles

16 Elizabeth After Mary dies disappointed, bitter, and childless, her hated half-sister Elizabeth takes the throne in 1558 Country reverts back to Anglican, though Elizabeth does not persecute Catholics Queen Elizabeth I is remembered as one of England’s strongest rulers. Question: Do you see the irony in this?

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