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Constructed Grand Canal 1,000 miles, connects the Yellow and Yangtze rivers Provided vital trade route between north and south Established a professional.

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Presentation on theme: "Constructed Grand Canal 1,000 miles, connects the Yellow and Yangtze rivers Provided vital trade route between north and south Established a professional."— Presentation transcript:


2 Constructed Grand Canal 1,000 miles, connects the Yellow and Yangtze rivers Provided vital trade route between north and south Established a professional army People were overworked and overtaxed Eventually revolt and overthrow government Sui Wendi, first emperor of Sui Dynasty


4 Central government strengthened Restored bureaucracy; Empire expanded Regained lands lost after the decline of the Han dynasty Expanded roads and canals Redistributed land from the wealthy to the peasants Lowered taxes Promoted foreign trade Agricultural Improvements

5 Only female empress to rule China alone Construction of new irrigation system Oversaw expansion to Korea Buddhism was the favored state religion

6 Song Taizu gains control; empire is smaller than Tang Cities experienced growth; China became the most populous country in the world. China remains stable, powerful, and prosperous Northern invaders force Song to move south Experience rapid economic growth

7 New “Gentry” society attained status through education and civil service positions Replaced nobles as upper class Status of women declined Women’s work at home and on farms is viewed as less important

8 Customary for upper class girls Sign of social status

9 Printing (movable type) Gunpowder Paper money Porcelain Mechanical clock Magnetic Compass makes China a great sea power New mathematical ideas

10 Fast growing rice imported from Vietnam to support rapidly growing population

11 Imperial armies guarded Silk Roads Expansion of sea trade Chinese culture spread through trade & travel Buddhism Incoming ideas and goods: Tea Islam, some Christianity

12 Prosperity stimulated high level of creativity Produced great poetry Painting Daoist influence (nature)

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