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Behavior Support Section Summer Institute 2005 Kathi Wilhite Jessica Swencki

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1 Behavior Support Section Summer Institute 2005 Kathi Wilhite Jessica Swencki Science 101 (What, you thought you were here to learn about behavior?)

2 The Science of Human Behavior (Yours-not theirs…)

3 Your kids leave wet towels on the floor.

4 Yesterday was the last straw. Sarah came to class tardy for the third time this week. Why? Because she was at her locker trying to find her homework.

5 Someone cuts you off in traffic.

6 Every time (at least it seems like every time!) Todd does something he shouldn’t, he always has an excuse or blames someone else.

7 Your husband leaves the toilet seat up…again!

8 Your wife wants to talk about the toilet bowl seat during the Superbowl.

9 On Friday afternoon your principal tells you to expect a new student Monday.

10 “I can’t do this” seems to be the only words Jamie can say when we are learning a new skill. I know he can do the work, but I can’t sit beside him all day to keep him going.

11 New kitten deposits hairball on new carpet, just as in-laws are arriving for dinner.

12 Dinner burns.

13 Know Thyself

14 HUMAN NATURE Is stubborn and inflexible. We do “more of the same” even when it doesn’t work. American culture encourages us to look for the “quick fix”.

15 If the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

16 The Science of Human Anatomy (rated g)

17 Brainstem Sustains life functions (blood pressure, heart rate) Midbrain Appetite & Sleep Limbic Brain Seat of emotions and impulse-action oriented if aroused Cortex Logic, planning, cognition, executive functions THE BRAIN

18 Spotlight: The Limbic System Hippocampus The librarian of the brain. Records sensory input (smell, taste, touch, sight, hearing) during emotional events. Amygdala The pharmacist of the brain. Releases chemicals for crisis response & programs the exact configuration for quicker release in the face of a similar threat in the future.

19 Spotlight: The Amygdala Oxytocin (good) Triggered by nurturance, sexual arousal, physical touch, melodic sounds. Plays critical role in bonding & relationships. When elevated in body-reduces stress, calms. Cortisol (bad if sustained) Triggered in crisis. Elicits fearfulness, depression, stress. Impairs physical development and declarative memory.

20 What is perceived by the brain determines the chemical response.

21 Spotlight: The Amygdala IN CRISIS Key function-Survival! 1. High Threat Perceived 2. Information from Cortex is Cut Off 3. Rely Solely on Limbic Data

22 How one interprets reality when under stress is most reflective of one’s significant life experiences.

23 The Science of Structure

24 “Children must have at least one person who believes in them. It could be a counselor, a teacher, a preacher, a friend. It could be you. You never know when a little love, a little support, will plant a small seed of hope.” Marian Wright Edelman

25 Everyone must feel… Wanted Successful Safe

26 Creating a Climate for Learning Clear, Positive Expectations Clear Rules Positive Role Modeling Acceptance of Shaping Respect for Each Student Limit Setting Praise Procedures & Routines Positive Reinforcement Structured Academic Success

27 Learning is a POWERFUL Reinforcer “The student who is learning, and knows he or she is learning, is receiving a powerful reinforcement to continue that behavior; nothing succeeds like success!” Kitto

28 In order to begin the teaching/learning process…you must first get the students’ attention!!! IN THE BRAIN ATTENTION IS TRIGGERED BY EMOTION!!! ALERT STUDENTS’ SENSES TRIGGER SIGNIFICANT MEMORIES NOVELTY

29 NEW INFORMATION??? The Brain’s Subconscious Assessment Immediate Memory  Do I WANT to learn this?  How does this relate to what I already know?  Does this make sense?  What do I get from learning this?  Do people that matter to me know or desire to know this?

30 Information must enter short- term memory in order to transition into long-term memory… the more meaningful from the beginning...the better the chances of it sticking around!

31 Brain-Based Tips to Improve Learning  Catch phrases  Repetition  Music Triggers  Physical Movement  Visual Cues

32 CATCH PHRASES Nike? Trix? US Army? 9105551212 910-555-1212 Key Points in your lessons should be reduced to catch phrases. Rules/Procedures should be reduced to catch phrases.

33 REPETITION Natural way for the brain to determine importance. Ensures information will be available when it is ready to be processed. Can/should be done through catch-phrase review. Can also be done through symbolic attachment.

34 MUSIC The brain has neurons specifically designated for processing music. Specifically helpful in spatial reasoning and math. Music impacts and helps regulate mood. Use to aide student transition. Consistent uses of selected music can be calming to students with anxiety…(diagnosed and situational).

35 PHYSICAL MOVEMENT Physical movement associated to language development and problem solving. Repetitive physical movement increase learning by improving recall. Incorporate physical movement in all parts of memorization skills. Establish a physical gesture that means, “this is important…so pay attention!”

36 VISUAL CUEING Visuals are the strongest aide in quick learning. Vision also had dedicated neurons in the brain. Children need gestures to make language clearer. Stress makes the brain more dependent on visuals not only to hear and process, but also to establish perceptions. Use visual cues to get students’ attention, to clarify language, as a behavioral intervention, and to signal the brain as to what is important.

37 SURFACE MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES Proximity Control Interest Boosting Support From Routine Support Through Humor Signal Interference Planned Ignoring Antiseptic Bouncing

38 The Science of Interpretation (AKA Faulty Science)

39 Common Behavior Problems Faced by Teachers In the Classroom Acting-out, aggressive, hyperactivity Withdrawn Poor social relationships Defiance of authority Immaturity Poor academic achievement Poor attention span Perceptual deficiencies Inadequate self- concept Use of drugs Bullock, L.M. & Brown, R.K. (1972)

40 How does the typical school respond to “perceived” problem behaviors?

41 Why have things not changed?

42 The Science of Application

43 All Students in School Students with Chronic/Intense Problem Behavior Students At-Risk for Problem Behavior Students without Serious Problem Behaviors 1 to 7% Specialized Individual Interventions 5 to 15% Targeted Group Interventions 80 to 90% Universal School-wide Interventions

44 The Science of Human Needs



47 What do you do with a student who throws a book across the room and uses inappropriate language to inform the teacher that he/she does not intend to complete his work?

48 The Science of Developing an FBA

49 Step 1: Identify the problem behavior.

50 CAUTION: TRIGGER WORDS “Trish is hyper.” “Carlos is disruptive.” “Jan is aggressive.”

51 Step 2: Gather the data.

52 Step 3: Analyze the data.

53 Step 4: Design/Implement the BIP

54 Step 5: Review and Evaluate the plan…if not working...go back to step 3.

55 The Science of Developing a BIP

56 When designing BIP’s, consider: Skill deficits- the teacher will need to teach replacement behaviors that serve the same function as the inappropriate behaviors Performance deficits- the teacher will need to manipulate the antecedents or consequences; may need to make changes in instruction/curriculum Environmental issues- the teacher will need to modify the physical environment; may need to make changes to instructional methods.

57 it’s me “Grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the person I can, and the wisdom to know it’s me.”

58 RESOURCES Behavioral Objective Sequence Sheldon Braaten The Teacher’s Encyclopedia of Behavior Management: 100 Problems/500 Plans Randall S. Sprick/Lisa M. Howard

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