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Presentation on theme: "SENSATIONAL SEDUCTIVE DESTRUCTIVE???"— Presentation transcript:


2 SEX It is a beautiful and amazing part of being human!
It is an intimate expression of love between two people! It is how we all come into being! It is also a sensitive and private matter that deserves respect! Use this slide to set the tone of respect and appreciation for our innate sexuality. Make sure participants feel “safe” to anonymously express their responses with the clickers.

3 Let’s be anonymously honest . . .
My sexual preference is: Heterosexual Homosexual Bisexual Emphasize again the anonymity and confidentiality of the responses. This is sensitive and to be used only to gain insight into your “audience” and to respect the fact that there are sexual differences. If there are homosexual or bisexual participants then you know to be sure and more thoroughly address anal sex and oral sex and to talk with heightened sensitivity.

4 In my lifetime, I have had sexual intercourse (vaginal or anal) with:
No one Only one person 2-5 people 6-10 people 10+ When there are students indicating A. No One, be sure to take note of that as a positive social norm. NOT EVERYONE is sexually active just because they are in college. We have to try and dispel the myth that sex = rampant sex!

5 In the past month, I have had sexual intercourse with:
No one Only one person 2-3 people 4-5 people 5+ When there are C.,D., E., responses it reinforces the emphasis on potential risks and need to emphasize testing and safe practices!

6 I have participated in oral sex at some point in my life:
Yes No This response is almost always higher than the intercourse response!

7 In the past month, I have participated in oral sex:
Yes No This will let you see how prevalent oral sex is among the group and the need for emphasizing safe oral sex practices!

8 Never been sexually active
When I have been sexually engaged alcohol or marijuana or some other drug was part of the scene. Yes No Never been sexually active This is a point where sexual abuse risks can be discussed and the truth that alcohol IS the NUMBER ONE DATE RAPE DRUG!

9 Is SEX a GAME? Have students write an alphabet letter on their card starting with A-Z. If it is a small group make sure someone has a P, R,S,V on their card. Have student mingle and each time they meet another person they record all of the letters on the other person’s card onto their card. Keep the time to a couple of minutes. After students return to their seats tell them this is a symbolic activity of what it might be like over a college lifespan of sexual encounters. They should think back to how many pretend sexual engagements they experienced. Then follow with the next slides having a show of hands each time for how many students have the letters and that particular STD based on their exposure. After the mix and mingle time, ask students how many different people they were able to engage during the designated time. Explain that this was an exaggerated example of what could be the number of sexual “encounters” during their sexually active time span.

10 C – L – A M – Y - I Ask students to hold up their cards if they have any of these letters on their card!

11 CLAMYDIA Don’t keep the slide up long but make sure there is enough time to get the idea of what the symptoms might look like!

12 Quick Facts: Most common bacterial STD (1.3 million cases reported in 2010, CDC) Most commonly reported STD at UWG – Majority cases go undiagnosed Can scar female organs (PID – Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) & leave infertile Treatable with antibiotics 75% of females & 50% of males are asymptomatic Symptoms, if present, are discharge & painful burning while urinating Be familiar with the stats so you don’t read them but emphasize important points. . . Especially the INFERTILITY result & ASYMPTOMATIC

13 G - O – N Ask students to hold up their cards if they have any of these letters.

14 GONORRHEA Don’t keep the slide up long but make sure there is enough time to get the idea of what the symptoms might look like!

15 Quick Facts: One of the most commonly reported STIs at UWG Health Services In 2010, 300,000 cases were reported by the CDC Pus producing bacterial infection Treatable with antibiotics – signs that it is becoming resistant Can scar female & leave infertile; can cause male to be infertile but normally cured with medication Often asymptomatic at first but both males and females usually will develop a discharge of pus, severe pain, and burning while urinating Again, don’t READ!

16 . “Untreated gonorrhea and chlamydia can silently steal a young woman’s chance to have her own children later in life. Each year, untreated STDs cause at least 24,000 women in the U.S. to become infertile.” (CDC) You might ask how many plan on having children one day? Could their sexual behaviors now prevent that?

17 H – P – V W – R Ask students to hold up their cards if they have any of these letters.

18 HPV Don’t keep the slide up long but make sure there is enough time to get the idea of what the symptoms might look like!

19 Quick Facts: Most common (20 million estimated cases with 5.5 million per year) One of most commonly reported at UWG Health Services No cure; over 4,900 women die each year from HPV associated cancer Warts are highly contagious; little or no protection from condoms Many are asymptomatic, but some will develop genital warts Free vaccines are available at Health Services

20 H – E – P Ask students to hold up their cards if they have any of these letters.

21 HERPES Don’t keep the slide up long but make sure there is enough time to get the idea of what the symptoms might look like!

22 Quick Facts: 45 million with 1 million new infections each year
Common viral STD at UWG Type I- oral & Type II-genital are really the same; can be transferred via oral sex No cure – medication for symptoms only! May be asymptomatic; common to have painful blisters in genital area on and off for life Infected babies die or have serious problems; Condoms cannot be counted for prevention

23 S Ask students to hold up their cards if they have this letter.

24 SYPHILIS Don’t keep the slide up long but make sure there is enough time to get the idea of what the symptoms might look like!

25 Quick Facts: Syphilis has increased 134% among young black men especially those having sex with other men, (CDC); only a few cases reported last year at UWG Health Services Treatable bacterial infection Can cause permanent damage and death if left untreated Stage1: painless sore Stage2: rash, fever, fatigue Stage3: permanent damage to heart, brain, organs

26 B Ask students to hold up their cards if they have this letter.

27 HEPATITIS B This slide and this particular STD is not as much of a concern but very contagious and deadly! The vaccine today protects most people!

28 Quick Facts: No cure Transmitted through blood or body fluids
The Hepatitis B virus is times more infectious than HIV, (WHO). Vaccine for prevention Most common cause of liver cancer; kills 5,000 Americans a year May be asymptomatic; but may have yellowing of the eyes & skin, nausea, vomiting & dark urine

29 D Ask students to hold up their cards if they have this letter.

30 AIDS Michael “Magic” Johnson has been a voice for HIV & AIDS Awareness since being diagnosed HIV positive years ago. With treatment he has not developed AIDS. There are NO obvious symptoms of HIV!!!! Mention that this is NOT a slam on African American men, but that Michael Johnson has chosen to be the “face” of HIV prevention ever since he was diagnosed.

31 Quick Facts: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
No cure; considered by many to be the perfect “killing” machine People with gonorrhea, chlamydia, or syphilis are at increased risk for HIV. (CDC) A person may look and feel healthy for years, but will be infected and contagious for life; enlarged lymph nodes, red/purple blotches on skin, prone to infections, eventual death Primary infection stage (first weeks after infection with large amount of HIV in bloodstream – greatest infection stage with majority not knowing they are infected and tests at this stage show negative)

32 At the end of 2009, an estimated 1,148,200 persons aged 13 and older were living with HIV infection in the US; CDC estimates that approximately 50,000 people are newly infected with HIV each year in the United States. It is a felony in Georgia for an HIV positive individual to not inform his or her “partner” prior to sexual intercourse vaginal or anal.

When “scoring” = STDs SEX is NOT a fair GAME and EVERYONE PLAYING LOSES!

34 Destructive Sex PID gonorrhea Herpes Crabs Syphilis Chlamydia
pregnancy gonorrhea Herpes Crabs Syphilis Chlamydia Hepatitis B HPV Abuse Abortion Destroyed Dreams AIDS Emotional Scars

35 Seductive Sex Music lyrics Movies/TV Magazines
Advertisements/Commercials Clubs Parties Internet Sports heroes Celebrities Fashion Just a quick slide to draw attention to the fact that society treats SEX as if it is as common as brushing our teeth! Have we been desensitized into thinking that SEX is “free for all” Has it lost its intimacy?

36 What do you think?

37 I think that practicing abstinence or celibacy is just for virgins.
Yes No I don’t know. This is an opportunity to remind students that even if they have been sexually active, they can always practice abstinence or celibacy until they are sure of their relationship.

38 I consider oral sex “sex”.
Yes No Not sure This always draws controversial discussion. Keep it brief!

39 Protection???

40 The most common type of protection that I use during intercourse is: A
The most common type of protection that I use during intercourse is: A. Male Condom B. Female Condom C. Other D. None E. I am not sexually active This is the time to show the female condom and get volunteers to demonstrate the male condom proper application and removal. Stress important points about proper storage, date, etc.

41 If I use a lubricant, I use: A. K-Y Jelly B. Baby Oil C. Vaseline D
If I use a lubricant, I use: A. K-Y Jelly B. Baby Oil C. Vaseline D. Nothing E. I am not sexually active This is a good time to do the condom being rubbed with Baby Oil demonstration. (Have the volunteer and everything ready in advance.) Emphasize the need to use water or silicone-based lubricants NOT oil based!

42 The most common type of protection that I use to prevent pregnancy is:
Birth control pills Condoms Other None I am not sexually active Remind them that Health Services provides birth control options at reduced costs

43 The most common type of protection that I use during oral sex is: A
The most common type of protection that I use during oral sex is: A. Condom B. Dental Dam C. Other D. None E. I am not sexually active Demonstrate and pass around dental dam samples. Again, stress the point that STDs can be passed via oral sex including HIV!

44 I have sought the following in regard to sexually transmitted diseases:
I have been tested I have been treated Both A & B I have been sexually active but not tested I am not sexually active Stress the importance of GET TESTED! GET TREATED! EVERY TIME sex partners are changed!

45 Confident & Strong with set boundaries Lacking Confidence & Weak
When I think about how I feel about myself in terms of sexuality and my relationships, I feel: Confident & Strong with set boundaries Lacking Confidence & Weak Up and Down with Confidence Wish I were more confident with stronger boundaries This question has more to do with self-confidence and self-esteem An important aspect of our sexual behaviors!

46 My Future Decisions When it comes to my future sexual health decisions, my top priority will be to: Practice safe sex using condoms every time. Get tested and get treated when changing partners. Avoid mixing alcohol consumption with sex. All of the above. Continue to practice abstinence. This is a form of assessment for the presentation. Try to skip to this if you are running out of time!

47 The TRUTH Be smart! Be strong! Be safe! Be tested! Be treated!
STDs affect people of ALL races, ages, and sexual orientations! Be smart! Be strong! Be safe! Be tested! Be treated!


49 Random Facts!! You may not even get close to these facts but they are here to help drive home the biological reality of sexual reproduction.

50 The Bonding Mystery Natural Bonding hormones make us want to pair and bond with ONE individual: Oxytocin – reproductive “love hormone”, released maternally (Lack of oxytocin associated with sociopathy, psychopathy & narcissism) Vasopressin – associated with pair bonding – decreases after multiple bonds This is an important point that can be made and is not that well known. The basic premise is that the more sex partners we have the less “bonding” commitment we have. The tape demonstration where tape is wrapped around the arms of two volunteers set up as potential sex partners. They take off their tape and stick them together holding just the corners. Then they select other partners and wrap them around their arms. Then those partners decide to have sex and stick their tape strips together. Repeat the pattern one more time and note that the last couple have trouble holding their bond!

51 Sensational Sexual Reproductive Facts about the Male
Beginning around age12 to 13 testosterone causes the beginning of sperm production in the testicles suspended from the body in the scrotum so that the temperature is kept lower than body temperature. A healthy young male will produce about 100,000,000 sperm each day!!! One thousand sperm per second!!! A single ejaculation may contain up to 500 million sperm!

52 Sensational Reproductive Facts about the Female
Typically around age 11 to 14 estrogen will cause the breasts to begin forming, hips will widen and menstruation and ovulation will begin The menstrual cycle occurs about every 28 days as the uterus continually prepares to nurture a fertilized egg A woman will typically menstruate 400 times in a lifetime usually until her 40’s or 50’s when menopause sets in

53 More female fascinating facts
Each month about 14 days before the next menstrual cycle a ripened egg from one or both ovaries is released (ovulation) Females do not continue to produce new eggs An unborn baby girl will have about five million eggs in her ovaries By early teenage years, she will have about 300,000 eggs Still more than needed for the 400 ovulations

54 Females often have irregular cycles making ovulation unpredictable and meaning she could become pregnant almost any time she has intercourse The released egg in the fallopian tube must be fertilized by the sperm within 24 hours The millions of sperm racing to fertilize the egg can actually live for 3 to 5 days

55 And so . . . Our sexuality has the innate purpose to procreate our species! Something to keep in perspective!


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