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Sentence Structure.

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1 Sentence Structure

2 Review clause 1. Our language is nothing more than words.
Two or more words is a _______________ 2. Two or more words with a subject and verb _____________ phrase clause

3 Do you know the sentence patterns we have discussed this week?

4 Pattern # 1 I , c I independent , coordinating independent
clause conjunction clause Coordinating conjunctions- For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So (FANBOYS) ***MOST commonly used fanboys: and, but, or

5 independent ; independent
Pattern # 2 I ; I independent ; independent clause clause The girls play a game tonight; the boys are just practicing. Kids like pizza and hamburgers most days; parents would rather have salads and soups *** to use this pattern the independent clauses must be closely related to each other.

6 Fanboys show relationships between independent clause
And, Or - equal to But, Yet - opposite , contrary to For, So - cause and effect Nor - equal (in a negative way)***

7 But, Yet - opposite, contrary to
Sally enjoys spending a day at the mall, but her brother Jim hates to go shopping. The homework was only two math problems, yet the students spent nearly forty-five minutes finishing both of them.

8 And , Or - equal to John went to the store, and Jim went to the park.
I could go watch the fireworks, or mother had asked me to stay home with her.

9 Nor - equal (in a negative way)
Janice was not able to sell her dad’s corn at the farmer’s market, nor was she able to sell any of her artwork as well. **notice that many times the subject will come after the verb when it follows the word “nor”. Nor was she able to sell any of her artwork as well. verb subject verb

10 Review 3. A clause with a complete thought is a/an _______________________ 4. A clause WITHOUT a complete thought is a/an ______________________________ Independent clause Dependent clause

11 5. Are these phrases or clauses?
Frank enjoys a good game of football His wife would rather play tennis These are clauses. What kind of a clauses are these? independent

12 6. Are these phrases or clauses?
Running into our friends in the commons. Eating ice cream in the hot sun. Phrases

13 7. Sentences Sentences are classified according to the number and kind of _____________ they have. clauses

14 8. What type of a sentence is this?
1 Independent clause Dependent clauses *Phrases may also be included in this type of a sentence. Simple sentence

15 9. What kind of a sentence has …
2 + Independent clauses Dependent clauses Frank enjoys a good game of football, but his wife would rather play tennis. Compound sentence

16 10. What kind of a sentence is this?
The students were attentive during the assembly. Simple sentence

17 11. What kind of a sentence is this?
The students were attentive during the assembly, but some were restless toward the very end. Compound sentence

18 12. What kind of a sentence is this? (It is different.)
Although the students were attentive during the assembly, some were restless toward the very end. Complex sentence- This has both a dependent and an independent clause.

19 13. Simple or compound? Simple
The Vikings did not make it to the Super Bowl this year, but they are admired by many for their achievements this year. Simple

20 14. Simple or compound? After the game, they went to eat pizza. simple

21 15. Simple or compound? simple
At the time of the accident, there were few witnesses present. simple

22 16. Simple or compound? compound
We witnessed the accident, but still we could not agree about who was at fault. compound

23 17. What are the two sentence patterns we have practiced for combining simple sentences to make compound sentences?

24 18. What is the best way to link these independent clauses into one compound sentence?
The Vikings played well. They lost in the final minutes. The Vikings played well, but they lost in the final minutes.

25 19. Can we make a simple sentence with the same ideas
19. Can we make a simple sentence with the same ideas? (Phrase + Independent clause) The Vikings played well. They lost in the final minutes. After playing well all season, the Vikings lost in the finals.

26 20. Can we make a complex sentence with the same ideas?
A complex sentence combines a dependent and independent clause. The Vikings played well. They lost in the final minutes. Although the Vikings played well, they lost in the finals.

27 21. What punctuation comes before a coordinating conjunction?
The comma!

28 22. When can you combine two independent clauses with a semi-colon?
When they are closely related!

29 Quiz Tomorrow!!!!! Study!!!!

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