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Water Gardening By, Tiffany Abbott. What is Water Gardening?  New Area of Gardening  Can be used in residential, or public areas  Peaceful and relaxing.

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Presentation on theme: "Water Gardening By, Tiffany Abbott. What is Water Gardening?  New Area of Gardening  Can be used in residential, or public areas  Peaceful and relaxing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Gardening By, Tiffany Abbott

2 What is Water Gardening?  New Area of Gardening  Can be used in residential, or public areas  Peaceful and relaxing place to unwind  Easy and fun project to create on your own  Every design is unique


4 Things to think about before you begin.  Where do you want it?  Which kind do you want?  Will it be above or below ground?  Will there be fountains, waterfalls or lighting?  Will you use pumps?

5 Location of your pond.  Good view  Good size  Good amount of sun and shade  Electricity

6 Three Types of Ponds  Cement  Preformed  Flexible Plastic Liner

7 Cement  Longest lasting  Cool Climate requirements –Layer of loose gravel or pebbles –6” thick walls  Walls should be at a 20 degree angle  Pour on a cool, cloudy day  Check for cracks  Clean

8 Preformed  Rigid Fiberglass –Long lasting, will discolor over the years  Bonded resin –Less expensive than Fiberglass, BUT more fragile  Semi-rigid/ABS plastic –Less expensive than Fiberglass, BUT more fragile

9 Preformed Installation  Select shell  Measure  Excavate 2”deeper & wider than shell  Line with sand & level out bottom  Install & fill  Add around edges

10 Flexible Liner  Plastic  Can last fro 20- 50 years  Never use less than 16 mil thick  Can deteriorate if constant UV light –Butyl rubber liner-twice as expensive, 30 mil thick, no deterioration, lasts 40 years

11 Flexible Liner Installation  Pick area & size.  Outline with hose and mark with paint  Measure and get liner to fit, with overlap –Width+2(depth)+1 + Length+2(depth)+1  Excavate –Shelves (9-12” deep and wide)  Level top ledges  Install (protective liner)  Secure with edging


13 Added Features  Waterfalls  Lights  Fountains  Flat stones around perimeter for more natural look

14 Waterfalls

15 Added Features  Waterfalls  Lights  Fountains  Flat stones around perimeter for more natural look

16 Lights

17 Added Features  Waterfalls  Lights  Fountains  Flat stones around perimeter for more natural look

18 Pumps or no pumps  Helps keep your garden clean and clear  Not necessary  2 used: –Skimmer –Filter  Place 2” off bottom if submersible  Need electricity, or solar power

19 Pond Ecology  Balance between plant and animal life makes for a clear pond  Plant life includes: –Aquatic and bog plants –Welcome and unwelcome algae

20 Algae  Filamentous algae=good –Becomes a moss coat on liner  Single celled algae= bad –Floats and covers pond –Fish eat it  Normal to see algae for few weeks in new ponds and in spring –Settles to ground and sides  Chemicals can cause other problems

21 Water Conditions  Tap can be used –Check with local water authority about chemicals  Chlorine is okay  Chloramine and chloride dioxide may cause problems for fish  Chemicals can be used to help this problem, but are not necessary

22 Adding Fish  Ornamentals- good color adds to pond –Koi –move peacefully  certain plants are toxic –Goldfish  Natural fish-don’t use, because not aesthetically pleasing  Add when 55 F or mid May  Do not overstock or stock to soon  Have water tested or test yourself

23 Fish

24 Care of Fish  Do not feed in first few days  Feed once a day with floating pellet food for large fish; flakes for small  Do not feed mid September on

25 Wintering Fish  Stock tank heater  Best if indoors –Small fish=aquarium –Large or Many small=small stock tank, or garbage can in basement  Circulating pump for aeration –No need to feed much, or at all if below 55 F

26 Adding Plants  Select them according to sun  Heavy garden soil or topsoil  Cover with 1” of coarse sand or gravel  Oxegenating plants  Tropicals added when 70 F  Never cover more than 70%

27 Types of Plants  Free Floating  Submerged or Oxygenators  Marginal (shallow) –In and out of water  Deep water or Bog

28 Free Floating  Water lettuce  Water hyacinth

29 Submerged  Anachris  Cabomba  Hornwort

30 Marginal  Water Liles  Arrowhead  Cattails & Horsetails  Water Canna

31 Bog plants  Nordic Holly  Jack-in-the-Pulpit  Gooseneck Loosestrife  Ligularia  Astilbe & Goatsbeard  Arrowhead  Cardinal Flower

32 Water liles  Shallow root system  Water 12” above crown  A lot of sun

33 Care of Plants  Fertilize with a water plant fertilizer –Slow release pellets  Do not fertilize until there is some spring activity  Remove old flowers and yellow leaves

34 Wintering Plants  Stock-tank heater  ID and group into category  Hardy=cut foliage and sink –In spring dig up, acclimate, and replant –Cattails=leave foliage until spring because it acts as a snorkel to get oxygen to the roots  Hardy water lilies=late Sept. early Oct –Remove foliage and store as bare root or in soil in cold area of basement or fridge –Must be kept damp & dark

35 Maintenance  Clean in fall and spring –Drain if possible –Leaves and extra organic matter –Rinse before re-filling  Netting for leaves  Rigid, fiberglass liners left filled  Flexible liners filled or drained  Concrete liners, drain, dry, tarp

36 Summary  New and exciting  Unique designs  Easy to do yourself  Not much maintenance  Peaceful and relaxing atmosphere

37 Questions?

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